The sign to the right of Scrooge reads, with intentional mis-spelling: “Ask about Illuminati, young boys.”
Boy, we all have our touchstone issues. I’m surprised at how deeply my feelings go about pedophilia.
I can’t estimate what my true feelings are as long as I’m gripped by my own vasanas (core issues).
So I did what Kathleen recommends and turned it around. And I saw that my wounding in this area related to events of my early adolescence. Let’s get that out of the way first.
I was a (physically) abused child and I turned to the available child-protection mechanisms in our society.
They were of no help. I only succeeded in “getting myself deeper in trouble.”
And it was that way all through the years. Before my Mom died, I phoned the doctor who was prescribing sleeping pills to her and begged him to stop, telling him that she was also getting sleeping pills from her dentist and pharmacist.
He told me he could not discuss client-confidential matters.
Shortly thereafter, she downed ten sleeping pills, fell asleep smoking in bed, and the whole place went up in flames.
So by turning my anger onto pedophiles, I’m responding to my own internal hurt at watching the system fail me time after time.
I’m seeing this as I write and the tears are streaming down my cheeks. I take time out and experience my vasana (core issue) through to completion.
Now my vasana is out of the way. My concern remains but I’m no longer speaking from my wounding.
And I hear myself say: Never mind my past. We cannot fail our children any longer.
May I have your permission to speak freely?
We’ve allowed this situation of pedophilia and child-sacrifice to develop after decades of remaining asleep to the ways a tyrannical oligarchy can dumb us down, divert us, reassure us that nothing is happening, titillate us with toys, and, behind the cover of it all, restrict our liberties.
Meanwhile behind the scenes, this oligarchy is doing what? Engaging in the torture, mind-control, rape, and murder of thousands upon thousands of our children?
Can you think of anything more heinous in the human realm than this? I cannot. It’s too early for me to be thinking about reconciliation, although I know I’ll need to. All I can think of right now is making this situation stop.
Until now, reading and talking about this has been represented, by those who wish to cover it up, as a “conspiracy theory.” No, it’s not.
As you can see from Anthony Wiener’s laptop, NSA data, and various leakers’ data dumps, pedophilia and child sacrifice actually exist among the top leaders in our society: This is an accurate statement.
If ours is any kind of a conspiracy, it’s a conspiracy of men and women who demand the truth. We are “conspiring” or breathing together, united in demanding a stop to these crimes.
But there’s no need for our deeper engagement in these events than framing our firm intention that they stop, as Archangel Michael clarified in the last reading I had with him:
“There is much happening upon your planet and there is much, correct and incorrect, dramatic and factual discussion about this. But it is simply for you to understand that the chaos and the drama are at the surface and they are at the surface for removal, not for deeper engagement, not to embrace because nothing will put you in the position of being dragged back into the melee faster than engaging with this.” (1)
I hope we don’t fall asleep on this issue, now that it’s broken the surface. It’s taken so long to come to this degree of public awareness.
Have we fallen asleep on Pizzagate already? (2) If we have, we’d best wake up.
I fell asleep on Boystown in the mid 2000’s. But everything that’s being said here was known and said then. (3)
Cathy O’Brien’s biography has been out for some years. (4) That didn’t cause a ripple of concern to Hillary Clinton, whose mind-controlled sex slave Cathy was.
The memoirs of Svali have been out. (5) Very few people probably read them.
We may need to realize that we’re not talking about some place down the road. We’re not talking about something that someone else is doing or that’s of minor importance. We’re talking about things that are happening in our own towns and cities, by our very own leaders, crimes of supreme importance for us to stop.
There was no discernible public interest in stopping pedophilia and child sacrifice back then. But now there is. The momentum has gathered as the energies have risen. There’s the political will now to end this blight on our collective consciousness.
Apparently the indictments about to be unsealed are aimed at pedophilia, rather than gangs, as has been previously alleged. The legal mechanisms appear to be in play.
After painstaking and meticulous gathering of evidence, the white hats are positioned and ready to act.
What we need to do primarily is become aware of what’s occurring and bear witness to the general public of the reality of these crimes.
Our role is to not allow these crimes to be swept under the rug again without a thorough house-cleaning as a planet.
Our children need us and we’re awake enough now as a global society to face up to the heinous crimes that are happening all around us. Their safety must be ensured and we’re the generation tasked with carrying that mission out.
Pedophilia and child sacrifice will be stopped. Stopping them does not depend on the Reval.
On my own authority as a citizen of Planet Earth, I call for the complete closure and dismantling of all pedophilia and child-sacrifice networks everywhere in the world by July 1, 2018.
I invoke the Divine Mother and the Universal Law of Intention to fulfill my intention that all of these networks worldwide be completely closed down and dismantled by that date.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 15, 2017.
(2) I don’t agree with those media outlets who are saying that Pizzagate is a false story. It’s the story that will bring the cabal down and I fully anticipate the cabal to bring out all their hirelings to beat the story back.
(3) See Boys Town Conspiracy of Silence – Part 1 of 6, at httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssw7d909h4Q
(4) See Cathy O’Brien, TRANCE Formation of America. See https://trance-formation.com/
(5) See “Henry Makow: Illuminati Defector Describes the Conspiracy” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Corroboration