(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
The First Way We Can Contribute
The first way we can contribute is to remain calm ourselves. Those carrying out the interdiction of the cabal want the general population to remain calm. Contributing to that, modelling it is how we can best help them.
Our channeled messages have been talking about self-mastery for years, reassuring us that we’re immortal (we survive death and so needn’t fear it), that all this will pass, and that we’re attended and assisted by spirit guides and masters. They’ve explained to us what would be happening – and now it is.
This is the time for people to show the degree of self-mastery that the messages have been discussing with us.
(Who am I to say that? I ask myself. No, it needs to be said.)
Our calmness amid the storm would be a solid contribution to the overall white-hat effort.
The Second Way
The second way we can contribute is to explain, to those who ask us, what’s happening, what’s going on right now … well, like I’m doing here, I guess.
Not in as much detail and not touching on what will repel them. These truths can be stated at a more general level than here.
People seem to settle down when they know the “why” of something happening, the reasons for it. They want to know that everything’s OK.
Well, everything isn’t OK at the moment, but it not only will be, but it will be in ways that people had given up hope of seeing in their lifetimes.
If you feel you lack background in what’s happening, I can direct you to a few sources that are a couple of years old now. But they still do explain what’s happening on the world stage: What has led up to the stopping of the cabal, itself part of the Accountability phase of Ascension. (1)
Or look in the First Contact database. (2) Everything you want and need is there, arranged by subject headings and the quotes the most recent first. That’s where I go to write my articles.
The Third Way
The third way for us lightworkers to contribute is to send our love to these situations, wherever they’re occurring.
Most people would think it’s a fantasy to think I can (1) send love or (2) send it, say, halfway around the world. But it turns out not to be a fantasy. I can send love and distance is no barrier.
Sending our love raises the vibrations of victimizer and victim. It’s healing for the victim. It makes it more difficult for the victimizer to continue.
Sending our love also helps the forces on the other side – that the general population may not even recognize as existing – to intervene. They can ride in on a wave of our love and make a difference.
Otherwise they must respect our free will – even to harm each other – and not intervene.
But returning to what’s happening right now, it isn’t that I don’t think the Illuminati should be stopped. I do. But the ones to do the stopping are already in place and the first wave of interdiction is about to commence. Very few of us will be involved, I think, in this phase of things, except to report it.
Having followed their actions and strategies since 2008 through channeled messages, I feel confident that the white hats will follow the (human and universal) laws and use only enough force to subdue. Their adversaries don’t follow the law and use deadly force, as they’ve shown in numerous assassinations (two Kennedy’s, Forrestal, Martin Luther King, 9/11, water-car inventors, free-energy proponents, etc.).
We lightworkers are not only the leaven in the loaf of Ascension. We can also be a fountain of the waters of life. What is the water of life, the acqua vita? It’s love. A group of lightworkers working together in a state of love is, I’m convinced, a powerful force.
And the ranks of lightworkers, Archangel Michael has said, will swell until they take in everyone.
Archangel Michael: Does the conversation expand organically and naturally? Does the energy go out to the entire planet, those who want to hear and those who don’t want to hear? Yes, it does. But it begins with the lightworker community. That is what we have need of.
Steve Beckow: And I suppose then more and more people join the lightworker community?
AAM: Exactly, until it is one family and one path. (3)
Our loving energy, in the end, will bring peace to this planet.
A world in love is a world that works and this melee and maelstrom is just a prelude to it. We’re telling the cabal to stop and, after that, we forgive and together we rebuild.
(1) Here are books that either give the reassurance needed or explain all the major events happening, including Accountability.
- Ready-Reference Guide: There’s No Need to Fear at https://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/911-essays/ready-reference-guide-theres-no-need-to-fear/
- Out With the Old and In With the New R2, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Out-With-the-Old-and-In-With-the-New-R21.pdf
- The Scope of What’s Happening, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/The-Scope-of-Whats-Happening.pdf
(2) The source I use to write all my articles is the First Contact database at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=First_Contact, which features collections of quotes on various Ascension-related subjects. It contains channeled material from 2008 to now.
(3) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-a-global-reset-of-values-part-22/.