(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
The Divine Qualities
We’re all of us here in Third Dimensionality to learn who we are. We operate respecting the human rights of others and our aim is to cultivate, through social interaction, the divine qualities.
Why the divine qualities?
Because, in my opinion, if we be like God – that is, if we manifest the divine qualities – we will know God.
To be our essence is to know our essence.
The more we “be” that essence, the more the barriers to our innate knowledge fall. We already have the knowledge that we are God. We don’t “get” that knowledge from somewhere other than our own Self.
The more we come into focus by coming into beingness, the more the veils covering this knowledge fall, if I’m correct.
Moreover, knowledge, for me, has a different quality than beingness.
Knowledge registers itself as an overwhelming and permanent sense of certainty. When we feel that way, we say “I just know it. You either know it or you don’t and I know it.” And that feeling of certainty never wanes.
So when beingness and knowingness converge, I’d think that event powerful enough to result in a stage of enlightenment. Not like I know, but I suspect. (1)
For me, being like God further translates into “growing” the divine qualities.
Actually (1) planting the seeds of the divine qualities in the fertile field of our hearts, and (2) tending the young shoots, (3) we reap what we’ve sown: A bumper crop of love and compassion, kindness and modesty.
The Way of the Future
But I promised to say how I think the three concepts relate. Not only is this the way I think they relate but it’s also what I regard as the way of the future for lightworkers and loveholders:
(1) Using the universal laws to navigate our lives,
(2) in all social matters, following the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and further refinements of it, and
(3) in all personal matters,
(A) cleansing ourselves of what the Buddha called our “obfuscations” (our core issues and resulting conditioning) and
(B) cultivating the divine qualities.
Remember there are levels of enlightenment. The level you reach, as far as I can tell, depends on how far you want to go, what you’re willing to surrender, and the depth of your love for all of God’s creation.
If I’ve heard right, it also depends on your guardian angels’ evaluation of how much is appropriate, given your mission, health, etc.
Each of us is the Christ (the Self) and one day each of us will return whatever was given into our charge, to the One. Most important will be our individuality.
(1) I’m reminded that I had an experience of this convergence of erstwhile “separate” things (such as beingness and knowingness) in the 1990s. I named the experience the “Silver Bullet,” because it propelled me into a vastly-different place.
I felt a burst of love and an increase in light or awareness at the same moment and I emerged from the explosion that then happened, knowing beyond doubt that I was God.
It was the convergence of the two that was so powerful. The convergence of beingness and knowledge would probably have the same enlightening power.