When I read what’s happening, and has happened, in communities across Canada, it can seem like an impossible task to build Nova Earth.
Three of the posts below “Shine Light” — as one of them is titled — on horrific things we’re here to change.
As I review them, I’m reminded of Archangel Gabrielle asking us to be the joy. She tells us that if we sink into a state of despair, it’s difficult to be and create change.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve, October 2016, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, asks us to be that change:
“Every single being upon this planet at this time has brought the fullness, the totality of their soul’s design to the planet. They did not leave anything behind.
“You are well-equipped to take steps of action, each of you in your own way, and it is not an either/or. It is a mosaic and every piece counts.”
Archangel Michael tells us we’re here to help out in community, to co-create change with our unseen friends:
“Are we supporting you? Yes.
“Are we close at hand to help you as you need help? Yes. But are you the human implementers of this plan? The answer is yes.
“If you did not want to be part of that implementation you would have stayed and worked with us from this side and there are many who have chosen that direction.” (1)
Deliberate, inspired action, co-creation with the Divine, is what is needed now on Gaia.
Call on Archangel Michael daily with his Blue Flame of Truth, of Infinite Potential. Work with Sanat Kumara and Universal Law, especially Sacred Purpose, Intent and Balance, and from that place of peace, Love, joy — kindness — create our Nova Earth.
Ontario Student’s Death Shines Light On
Bullying Issues Within Canada’s School System
Because Acero had a strong moral compass, he defended vulnerable students from bullies — and that turned him into a target, says his family.
“Phoenix always stood up for people, especially the special needs students,” close friend Maddie Phippen, 17, told HuffPost Canada in an email.
In May, after Acero defended a peer at Ontario’s Haliburton Highlands Secondary School, a bully allegedly told Acero to go kill himself. The teen died suddenly the next day.
‘Our Society is Broken’: What Can Stop
Canada’s First Nations Suicide Epidemic?
The Guardian
Suicide and self-harm is the leading cause of death for indigenous Canadians up to the age of 44. Selena Randhawa talks to young First Nations people about the shocking deprivation and deep despair that lie behind this epidemic.

Residential school survivor Patricia Tucknaow at a gathering in Vancouver to honour First Nations victims of the controversial program. Photograph: Ben Nelms/Reuters
“… And I hope that we will not have to bury one more innocent child – the future of our communities and the future of our nation.”
Sheila North Wilson, grand chief and representative of more than 75,000 indigenous people living across northern Canada, was in Ottawa last February to discuss the many issues plaguing First Nations communities. The memory of the conference speech she made there is now etched on her mind.
“Throughout the speech, my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing,” she recalls. “I didn’t think much of it.” But what she read next brought her to the floor.
Marlene Bird, Saskatchewan Woman Who Lost
Her Legs In Brutal 2014 Attack, Has Died
Marlene had said she tried to forgive the man who attacked her.

Marlene Bird is shown in this undated handout provided by radio station CKBI.
PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. — A woman who lost both her legs and much of her eyesight after she was viciously attacked and set on fire in a back alley more than three years ago has died.
Linda Lavallee, a friend of Marlene Bird, said the 50-year-old Indigenous woman died Monday at a hospital in Prince Albert, Sask.
Lavallee said Bird entered hospital on Nov. 20, went into a coma on Wednesday and never regained consciousness after suffering heart, liver and kidney failure.
Lavallee said Bird had forgiven Leslie Black, the man who attacked and sexually assaulted her. But she was upset over the 16-year prison term he received in September and the stress of the case and its outcome affected her health.
Profound Advice From an 82-Year-Old Refugee
The Key to Making Life More Beautiful
I met Barbarou last year, on the street leading to the Swedish Church, in Stockholm. I was travelling through Europe, documenting life lessons of refugees who were displaced primarily by the conflict in Syria, and the various stakeholders involved in their integration in Europe.
Almost instinctively, as soon as I saw Barbarou on the street, I leaned to my interviewee who was walking beside me and asked her if she knew the lady in the wheelchair. To my surprise, she did! And so, at a street corner in Sweden, began one of the most heartwarming conversations (and the quickest one too) that I have ever had with anyone.
“It might be impolite to ask but may I know how old you are?”, I asked hesitatingly.
“82. I have managed to see what 82 looks like. 82”, replied Barbarou in a thick, slow yet warm voice.
“And what has life taught you? What is the single most important thing that you’ve learnt in the last 82 years?” I asked.
“I had a wonderful marriage and a great career. I was working full time ’til I was 66 years old. And we both, my husband and I, made sure that we took time out every once in a while to reflect on the way life was going. If we were giving enough time to things that mattered. To evaluate if we were showing people we loved that we cared. It was like our ritual to sit down every so often and take notes from whatever had happened so far. That’s how you make life beautiful and create more peace in the world. It might sound time consuming but it isn’t.”
She added:
“And so my life lesson is: Take out time to reflect on what you can do to make the world a better place.”
Such profound piece of wisdom, spoken with such ease and clarity; it astounded me.
Often, amidst my travels and lonesome Saturday nights, I think of what Barbarou and her husband have been practicing–simple ways to heal the world–almost as a way of life rather than a big boo-ha-ha, one-time charity event. There is no ‘Messiah attitude,’ just two humble human beings doing what every person can do.
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Michael,
the Blue Flame of Truth, of Infinite Potential,
Sanat Kumara, the Universal Laws of Sacred Purpose,
Intent and Balance for creation of Nova Earth with the Divine.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, October 11, 2016.