We really don’t know who “Jared Rand” is
Thanks to Sitara.
Start at 2:29:29
“Jared Rand” came on to a Tank/Fisher Reval call last night and explained the behind-the-scenes story of what is occurring with the Reval.
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed his talk.
He says that he’s related to the Rand Corporation, Sperry-Rand, and Rand-McNally Rands. However RAND Corp. stands for Research and Development Corp so no pass there.
He said that he was allowed to come on the show to share this information.
Even if his prediction has failed to materialize, I found his account fascinating. Reader discretion is advised.
Examples of what he had to say:
“You gradualize and you gradualize and you condition people and before they know it – and they don’t even know it – they’ve been conditioned so that they accept things. It’s much easier to accept things that way. …
“We will have – and we do have already in place – many learning centers across America where people will be able to go in and they will be able to educate themselves and it won’t cost any money, you won’t have to sign a bunch of paperwork, kind of like a library, in a way, but you will learn the true story of your country, what actually happened…
“You have to inform a people of the atrocities that were committed against them so that they can pass it on to the generations and generations ahead of them so that they can never be committed again. And that’s exactly what’s going to take place. And it’s going to take place all at once.”
“People say I can’t last that long. … The fact of the matter is … From what I can understand and what I have been informed about, all of this is on the verge of happening in the next 24 hours. Now, here is the big ‘if.’
“If everything goes, well, accordingly, it is all on the money. …
“[The exchanges] are not going to be a big deal. It is going to as simple as you walking into your local bank and saying…. [He goes on to describe the process – 2:52:34.] …
“Managing the money … is going to be a boom in jobs, an absolute boom. … All colleges and universities across America will end up being free because there are a lot of people that plan on making sure that it’s free. …
“The fact of the matter is the amount of effect that even the 700 people on this call can make is absolutely spectacular. …
“I take my hat off to all of you that you have stuck that out. … There’s a reason for it because you were all chosen to do this. … You’ve all done a spectacular job with this. …
“What we have now is we have a consensus and a fluid movement of massive amounts of money. You’re going to see a very large amount being processed out there and everyone is going to be taken care of. …
“Nothing really changes outside of where you’re at. It’s still the same – people struggling, people suffering, people losing their homes, people not being able to eat, veterans living in cardboard boxes under bridge overpasses – it goes on and on.
“To effect the change, you are the folks. You’re the ones. You’re going to effect that change. You’re going to get those veterans out of those overpasses. You’re going to fix the bridges, the roads. You’re going to make your counties, and your cities and your towns clean and well run and organized. …
“There’s a lot of work to be done. Don’t get fooled into thinking everything’s going to be done for you because it is not. There’s a massive amount of work out there that we’ll all be tasked with doing
“In the long run, it’s going to be fun. It’s going to be very and really fulfilling. It’ll warm everyone’s heart and spirits for many generations to come. So you’re all entrepreneurs. And you’re all philanthropists. And you’re all humanitarians.”