(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Archangel Michael: As the veil begins to drop and you are really in your body, you begin to more acutely, shall we say, feel and discover the reality within which you have agreed and placed yourself – of course, with help from us.
So it is at that point that you realize the situation, even when it is preverbal, that is going on. And so from that point, you began to assert that there was trouble in this family and in this situation that in no way matched what you thought you were getting into by coming to Earth.
And that pressure, and your inability to truly feel safe – even though as we have said, you were – but to feel safe and to feel effective. Now this is highly refined or attuned in you, this desire to feel effective. But this is also an element, a necessary element, let us say it that way. Do not think “effective” is necessarily a replacement word for “ego” or “conceit.” It is not.
You needed to feel effective and what you were seeing is that your ability to blossom, to be effective, and to go forth with both your practical human experience and the realm of which you had come for, was being severely hampered.
And what that did within you in, can we say, the translation factor is it began to build enormous fear. Fear for your mother and fear of your mother because you felt responsible for her. So what if she missteps?
And fear of your father and most certainly for your father as well because you knew fully well he was not following the agreed-upon path, let us put it that way. Fear for your sibling and a deep abiding fear for yourself, that you were trapped, that you are isolated, abandoned and that you are powerless.
Now, over time you began to explore that, yes. But the pressure and the pressure cooker is building and then over time – and we are talking a long period of time – this feeling of fear grew – fear of this, fear of that, fear of everything, fear, enormous fear, of human beings.
Now, do not forget, your lineage, if we can put it that way, is Arcturian and so that is a different paradigm as well. So you can add that into the mix.
And so what is going on is that that anger is beginning to emerge. Because the fear is becoming so overwhelming you can’t deal with it. You can’t touch it. You can’t even look at it because it is like gangrene.
But still the pressure is building and as the pressure is building, you’re becoming angrier and angrier and angrier. And at the same time you are seeking outlets and you have a brilliant mind and so you tended to begin to use your mind and it is a beautiful, powerful implement, to do your exploring while still on the spiritual path, seeking for some way out.
And you have explored many pathways and some gave you, shall we say, especially in your mental but your emotional body too, viable explanations and help to calm and soothe. But what did not happen – it soothed it but that was like putting a blue/pink blanket over a raging ocean.
So the anger was still seething there and underneath that the deep, profound fear was also seething there. Now, we do not want to diminish or nay say in any way shape or form, the enormous amount of work you have done over the years.
You have been diligent and even when you have thought, sweet one, that you have been working on one issue, this has always been pretty much one of your core issues. And so what was occurring is that you would only go so far and then when you came up against this trust issue, this admiration and acceptance/surrender of your beautiful self, and humans in particular, you would simply say, “No, no, no, that’s not safe.”
And what that would do is act as a catalyst for more fear surfaced by anger. And you have felt this in yourself at times and that has been truly one of your primary struggles. “I feel like a ticking time bomb” and that is why the physical exuberance such as karate was very good for balancing, not just for expelling and using energy but also for the balancing.
So the work has most certainly paid off but still you weren’t getting to the core issues and you have skirted it and now you have said “yes” because you have inherently understood that this is key to Ascension.
Steve: And “this” is what Lord?
AAM: “This” being the elimination, surrender of fear and anger. They had to go and you have had these teasers and these magnificent times and the bliss and the love and in the practical realm, the human realm, you’ve also had a great deal of time where you have been shown and been surrounded by kind, loving, supportive people. It does not mean all those dangerous humans have disappeared but you have seen what is possible and here is the key.
You reached the point with your core issues when you have turned to me, but particularly you have turned to the Mother, you’ve turned to Archangel Raphael and, yes, this course has been the catalyst both consciously and unconsciously. You have said, “I am fed up. I have had enough. Lord, take this from me.”
And we have and you have realized that you are that pressure cooker. Your beingness you turned into this pot and rather than let the pot blow you’ve simply said, “This is ridiculous. I have had enough.”
You have taken the lid off and said, “I don’t want this anymore” and you, sweet one, with us, yes, and certainly with a lot of help from Archangel Raphael, to whom we bow, have dissolved that pot and said, “I am not playing that anymore.”
Congratulations, bright one!
Steve: I am sure impressed at the fact that fear can be eliminated. I would never have thought that was possible.
AAM: What you are learning and what the next step is in so much of the work regarding Nova Being and Nova Earth and yes, Sanat Kumara has referenced it briefly yesterday, is that you are beginning to learn, not simply esoterically. This is not simply you and your mental body. This is you understanding what is possible.
Steve: Well, it really is a voyage of discovery.
AAM: … And the deepening of love and the experience of love and realizing, sweet one. We could spend hours on this because what you are doing is you are realizing not only that you are love but that you choose to be love, that you choose to experience, express, share, and write about the love.
And, finally, one short comment on giving vasanas away vs. processing them.
Steve: Does it work as well to simply give you a vasana as it does to process it, now, in these times?
AAM: It depends on the… Well, vasana yes. But the process can be as simple as, “Oh, I see you [to the vasana]. There you are. Away you go.” So it is not a complete elimination of process but it is not diving as deep either, necessarily into the fullness of the drama.
Now if it is a core issue or a life-threatening, what we call life-threatening situation for your sacred spirit/soul than it has need to be truly understood and yes, given away.