Credit: Men in Black, locker scene
There’s a scene in Men in Black where K opens a train-station locker and sees inside a whole tribe of small people who worship K as the Lightgiver, now returned.
They have a whole round of life centered around K-worship. They venerate a video coupon and a watch that he left behind on his last visit.
In a sense, that’s our relationship with our bodies, if we follow what Sanat Kumara says.
According to him, we have an orchestration of cells down to the subatomic level, each of which has the sacred purpose of serving us and assisting us to fulfill our mission.
He says it in in the course of explaining the Law of Sacred Purpose.
“We want to explain your Law of Purpose. Everything throughout the universe has purpose.
“And you can break it down and you can put it under a microscope but every atom, every subatomic particle, everything has purpose.
“And that is something to a great extent – not by you, my beloved lightworkers, but by the general population – that has been forgotten. So it is my job and yours to remind them. …
“Understand what I say, that the Law of Sacred Purpose is the same for the atoms that compose a table, a planet, the hair on your head or the lack thereof, your blood, your skin, your heart, your mind, and your entire being.
“So you are an integrated person, a human, that has many of these fibers and particles coming together in divine purpose to serve you, to assist you in the fulfillment of who you are, of what your promise is, of what your heart’s desire is, and what you choose to do.” (1)
That’s a lot to digest.
Every atomic, every subatomic particle has purpose. We’ve just had explained a matter so fundamental to any causal study of life that I reeled from the impact of it when I read it – speaking as a cross-cultural spiritual student.
If everything has purpose, is that the force that determines an organism’s future direction? Is that the attractive force that holds a colony or community together? What relation has purpose to love? On and on the questions emerge from that one statement.
The heart of his message is this:
“You are an integrated person, a human, that has many of these fibers and particles coming together in divine purpose to serve you, to assist you in the fulfillment of who you are, of what your promise is, of what your heart’s desire is, and what you choose to do.”
Staying simply with the physical level for a moment, the fibers and particles of my body have come together in divine purpose to serve me and help me fulfill my mission.
I haven’t expressed my gratitude to that little tribe in the train-station locker that venerates me – my body. I give it only scraps of attention and yet it does its job, day in and day out.
I express my gratitude to all my loving and cooperating elements, that have sustained me and brought me life all these years.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Sacred Law of Purpose, August 13, 2013, Part 1/2,” August 17, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/17/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-sacred-law-of-purpose-august-13-2013-part-12/.