Women raise one finger to the air as part of a “One Billion Rising” rally in New York City’s Washington Square Park, February 14, 2013.
Eve Ensler of One Billion Rising has re-written an essay she wrote in 2012 that the Huffington Post ran. In it she says, “I am over rape.”
I wish we were. How do we get “Over It”?
Archangel Michael in his Plea For Peace Now Meditation has the answer.
He says what it takes is (1) us claiming our creator selves in sacred union with them, the Higher Realms — as above so below, as within so without — and (2) deciding right now:
“We will proceed and we will anchor not merely as an act of will, as an act of creation, but as an act of Love.”
Can we forgive everything as “an act of Love”?
Can we forgive ourselves — as victims and as perpetrators — and then move on, detach from the pain?
For the last two and half years I’ve been asking for apologies and apologizing for unconscious behaviour, within and without.
Not exactly easy, but this is what had need to be done.
Individually, as we take responsibility — response-ability — for what has happened here, we affect the whole.
When we delve into our sorrow, anger, and fears, feel to heal, come to know the actions that can be taken and take them, including coming to a place of gratitude for everything, we can move on.
Join me and many doing this. We can be over rape.
Eve Ensler: Over It Redux*
Huffington Post, 10/18/2017
I am over rape.
I’m over women (cisgender, transgender and gender non-conforming) having to tell our stories over and over, traumatizing and re-traumatizing ourselves over and over when the stories and names and identities of perpetrators remain protected and anonymous.
I am over rape culture, where privileged men with political and physical and economic power take what and who they want, when they want it, as much as they want, any time they want it.
This would include the super Predator in Chief, Donald Trump, who was elected after bragging about grabbing women’s pussies without their consent and who has more than 15 charges of abuse against him. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly… the list is endless. It’s not enough to fire them and have them walk away with millions. Sexual abuse is already illegal.
I am over how long it takes for anyone to ever respond to rape, and how long corporations and partners protect abusers through payouts and backroom deals. If that same president or CEO stole money from you or killed someone, you can bet they’d be fired on the spot and he would be charged in court.
I am over the three out of four women who experience sexual harassment feeling they can’t tell anyone for fear of losing their job or not being believed.
I am over women being slowly made insane and angered and humiliated and shamed by being forced to ignore, deny, block out, tolerate, minimize the sexual harassment in order to survive.
I am over “33 million U.S. women being sexually harassed, and 14 million sexually abused, in work-related incidents,” as reported by ABC News-Washington Post.
An Invocation
I invoke the Divine Mother, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara,
and the Universal Laws of Intent, As Above So Below,
As Within So Without, Balance, Change,
Attachment and Detachment, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission and Transformation,
Dispensation, Attraction and Repulsion,
Elimination, and Completion and Continutity
for all issues of rape.
The Rise of ‘The Weinstein Effect’
Elephant Journal, Clara Hall: A Response to the Reader Comment about Raping Me