Archangel Michael asked us to erase the borders on Gaia October 2013 :
“I request on behalf of the Mother and the Company of Heaven, I wish you to begin to erase borders.
“And you can see it as a child’s exercise, to take out of a map and with the child’s pencil eraser begin to erase the borders. But do it all over Gaia. Begin to erase the borders.” (1)
Around the world we have approximately 22 million refugees.
Please join us seeing the disappearance of the borders on Gaia.

Recently arrived child refugees in a makeshift tent camp on the Island of Samos. Photograph: Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images
Thousands of unaccompanied children in Greek Island camps need help
Vital Support for Refugee Mothers
Two years ago, Melie Dechamplagne, helped create the not-for-profit organization Canada Caring, which provides refugee mothers with much needed essentials.
While delivering these products to refugee camps, Melie got to know the stories of the refugees and how they once lived ordinary lives.
She encourages us to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and ask ourselves the question:
“What if this was me?”
Bangladesh, Voices From the Violence
The Last Frontier, Migrants in Italy risk all to reach France
Trump wall prototypes pop up near US-Mexico border
‘Our Backyard Has Become A Graveyard’: Saving Lives On The U.S.-Mexico Border
Please join with us
erasing all borders on Gaia
8 minutes at 8PM
Archangel Michael:
“What has also occurred — and this is particularly true of the United States of America, which was founded by St. Germaine as a country of freedom! And it has become the most insular, isolated country in terms of these belief systems of accessibility.
“You see this with your refugees — and this is what we call them — from the south. And we do not simply mean Mexico; we mean all of Latin America, where there are many, many very cruel dictatorships and absurd poverty. And so they migrate to the land where opportunity and freedom was supposed to live.
“So this paradigm of rigidity is being challenged and broken down; this belief that there are enemies at every portal. So whether it is New York and the interrogation of everybody who looks as if they are not blue-eyed blondes. If they look Muslim they are interrogated. If they look Islamic they are interrogated. If they are in Arizona and they look Hispanic, they are interrogated.” (2)
An Invocation
I invoke the Divine Mother, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara
all Universal Law, Divine Blessings and Virtues
for the elimination of every border on Gaia,
the elimination of the old paradigm of rigidity,
the feeling that there are enemies at every portal,
old insular, isolated, belief systems of inaccessibility.
Please join with us
breaking down
these old paradigms
(1) “Archangel Michael Talks About How Lightworkers Are Breaking Through ‘Old 3D Paradigms’”, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, October 2, 2013,
(2) same as above