The Top 10 Characteristics of Highly Evolved Beings
Jeff Street, Divine Cosmos, Oct. 10, 2017
Highly evolved beings, and the civilizations that they create, embrace principles and ways of being that create highly beneficial outcomes for all. Their civilizations are characterized by cooperation, harmony, and love rather than competition, conflict, and fear.
The net result is civilizations where freedom, prosperity, and happiness abound. Their example serves as a great model for Humanity to emulate if it truly wants to create the better world that many of us are hoping for.
What highly evolved civilizations you ask? Well believe it or not, there are many highly evolved civilizations within our galaxy, and many more beyond.
There are two reasons that their existence is not apparent to us; (1) most of them exist in higher dimensions of our physical universe, so they’re not visible to us, and (2) they aren’t all that interested in direct interactions with a civilization as primitive as ours. But rest assured that many of these civilizations are very interested in facilitating the evolution of Humanity and are doing so in a number of subtle ways behind the scenes. This is a fascinating topic beyond the scope of this article that I may explore in the future, follow the blog to stay tuned.
I was inspired to write this article by the in-depth discussion of this topic found in the book Conversations with God – Book 4: Awaken the Species and this article is essentially a summary of that discussion peppered with my own insights. So without further ado, let’s dive into the top ten ways of being of highly evolved civilizations.
#1 – They Deeply Understand the Unity of All Life and Live Congruently
Highly evolved beings know the Oneness of all — they know we are all parts of a singular, yet multi-threaded, consciousness that is All That Is. They know that any apparent separation is an illusion because everything is part of one thing and it is all interconnected and interdependent. They know that any action they take that effects another being or thing ultimately effects everything else.
This is the single most important realization any being can have and in civilizations created by beings with this understanding it is the foundation of their way of life. They deeply know that what they do to another they are ultimately doing to themselves — and hence they treat everyone and everything with great care and respect.
#2 – They Always Tell The Truth
Highly evolved beings always tell the truth. They are essentially incapable of lying. They have deeply learned that deceiving themselves or others is counterproductive to achieving their highest intentions and desires, so they have absolutely no interest in lying. But even if they did, any attempt to do so would be easily detected by all those listening.
At the level of consciousness of highly evolved beings, their ability to sense energy and vibration is greatly enhanced (everything is energy; matter, light, thoughts, emotion, etc) and so any attempt to communicate something that is untrue would be readily apparent to all listening. At this level, a being cannot communicate something that is untrue and not radically alter the energy they are emitting.
In stark contrast, denial and deception run rampant in Humanity — we frequently lie to ourselves as well as others, and we are easily deceived. Only by transcending separation consciousness, only when we realize that we are all expressions of the same one consciousness, the same one being, and by embracing the unity and equality of all beingness will we eliminate the need to deceive and avoid all the associated undesirable consequences.
As an example of how we lie to ourselves, consider the violence that is portrayed in our entertainment and its connection to the increasing violence in our society. The portrayal of violence runs rampant in our movies and TV programs, in our video games, and even in our children’s toys. You’d have a hard time convincing a highly evolved being that the constant stream of violent images we bombard our children with has no effects on their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.
Humanity, on the other hand, can’t seem to admit that the increasing violence in our society arises, at least in part, from the continual onslaught of such images. Because if we did, we’d have to do something about it, and we feel powerless, so we just ignore it.
This pattern of seeing self-damaging behaviors and then doing nothing about them is a classic sign of immature beings. Highly evolved beings never hide from the truth, and they always speak the truth. And of course, when they speak the truth they also take congruent and appropriate action which is the subject of the next two points.
#3 – They Always Do What They Say
Highly evolved beings have a habit of speaking their truth, and they also have a habit of following through with what they say they will do, whether it is said to others or themselves. Their actions are always consistent with their words, they don’t say one thing and do another.
Humans on the other hand, often say one thing and do another — and then ignore, deny, or lie about it! Obvious examples abound.
For highly evolved beings, sticking to their word is a matter of honor and integrity. If they don’t think they’ll be likely, or able, to do something they don’t say it. If on the other hand, they meant what they said, but later they find they can’t keep their word because of unexpected circumstances, they will face it squarely and go talk to everyone involved to clear it up. They will humbly and truthfully explain why they won’t be able to do what you said.
#4 – They Always Do What Works
When highly evolved beings see a less than desirable situation and have understood why it exists, they always respond with something that works. They do not ignore it, deny that it exists, cover it up, do something that doesn’t address the true problem, or in some other way fail to take appropriate action — as is often the case with Humanity.
Examples abound, here are a few of them:
If our goal is to live a life of peace, joy, and love (which I sincerely hope it is), then violence does not work. This is immensely obvious if you take but a moment to contemplate history — isn’t it clear that retribution begets retribution, hate begets hate, violence begets violence. And yet we repeat the pattern over and over.
If our goal is to live long and healthy lives, then consuming meat daily, smoking known carcinogens continuously, and drinking alcohol regularly does not work. This has been amply proven, yet many of us continue to do these things.
If our goal is a society free of violence and war, then the modeling of violent behaviors and attitudes to your children, via our entertainment and toys, which has clearly been proven to facilitate the adoption of those violent tendencies, does not work and would be stopped immediately. Yet, we do nothing.
#5 – They Never Kill Each Other
Highly evolved beings never, under any circumstances, kill another incarnate being unless specifically asked by the other to do so. Within Humanity, murder and mass murder (war, etc) occur appallingly frequently. We justify much of this behavior as “self-defense.”
It’s interesting to note that in primitive societies all attack is called “defense.” And of course, we certainly have the “right” to defend ourselves and do so in any way we see fit — after all, we are free and sovereign beings, so we “have the right” to do anything we please. Yet, a highly evolved being would not kill another even in situations we would clearly consider self-defense.
This is because they understand that every act is an act of self-definition, every act defines who you are. You are creating yourself in each and every moment by what you choose to do, so it boils down to deciding who and what you want to be. Do we want to define ourselves as ones who are willing to do anything to survive, and create a dog-eat-dog kind of world in the process?
Ultimately, highly evolved civilizations transcend the need to kill others because they no longer create situations where they would find themselves needing to kill. And that’s because they have awakened to their Oneness, and every aspect of their attitudes and behaviors have changed dramatically.
When Humanity fully awakens then all the conflict and competition will end — no more killing, no more dog-eat-dog world. Instead, we will find ways to share everything and cooperate on a grand scale. And this new found level of cooperation and sharing will create an unprecedented level of prosperity and happiness for all, and no one will ever have any reason to attack or defend (physically, emotionally, financially, etc) for any reason ever again.
In the rare case that an unenlightened person chose to mortally attack you, you would simply allow yourself to be killed knowing that “death” is an illusion and peacefully exit physicality and return to your eternal non-physical self and existence. You would not choose to perpetuate more violence just for the survival of your physical body — which is not you; it’s just a temporary vehicle. When you know that the real you can’t die it changes everything!
Know then that the body is merely a garment. Go seek the wearer, not the cloak. — Rumi
But what if we were attacked by another civilization you might ask? Don’t we have to worry about another civilization coming to Earth one day and destroying us? This question is addressed in Conversations with God Book 4 and I will defer to it on this topic.
All I’ll say about this is that our fear of this scenario is being encouraged by a whole slew of alien invasion movies and the like. Given the benevolent extra-terrestrial presence that is here (i.e. highly evolved civilizations) trying to gently facilitate the awakening and evolution of Humanity, it makes you wonder if some or all the “alien fear porn” is the work of some agency with a nefarious agenda? If you’d like to explore this topic further, then I suggest you check out the work of Dr. Steven Greer. He is the world’s leading expert and most trust worthy source on the extra-terrestrial presence, and who, why, and how it is being hidden from us.
#6 – They Never Damage Their Environment
Highly evolved beings would never do anything that could potentially damage or harm the physical environment that supports their society. They deeply understand and appreciate the interconnection and interdependency of all life, and they deeply appreciate the environment that sustains them. They know that to continue to have their environment to provide for their needs, and for the needs of all generations to come, then they must live sustainably — they must live in a way that is gentle, careful, and thoughtful to their natural environment and planet and wisely husband her resources.
Humanity, on the other hand, continues to demonstrate a callous disregard for their environment using and abusing it, and poisoning it (and ourselves in the process)!
#8 – They Work Together Cooperatively, There is No Competition
Highly evolved beings never compete with one another. They deeply know the Oneness of all and that what they do to another they ultimately do to themselves, so they work together for the greater good of all. They cannot bring themselves to gain at the expense of another and so competition all but disappears in their civilizations. When enlightened beings see the truth, they do what works and the strategy that works the best, in the long run, is cooperation and sharing.
Humanity has a long way to go in this regard. Competition, at every level, runs rampant. We have convinced ourselves that competition is healthy — that it motivates and produces more efficient outcomes. And in the short term it often does, but in the long run, it creates great inequities. We have fallen into endless and often ruthless competitions for everything — money, power, fame, love, attention, sex, everything — and it is killing us.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the enlightened 32nd president of the United States, echoes this sentiment when he said this about competition and cooperation:
Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.
#9 – They Do Not Embrace the Principles of Justice and Punishment
Highly evolved societies do not embrace the principles that we refer to as “justice” and “punishment.” Enlightened beings understand that any being that acts to harm another is deeply wounded, deeply in pain and that their acts are simply a cry for help, a cry for love. Hence, they do not attempt to bring those that have done harm to justice or punish them. They have found that, in the long run, this approach is rarely effective. Instead, they reach out with compassion and love to help heal them.
They try to help heal these people in whatever way seems appropriate and effective. And they understand that judging and punishing is rarely either — because it does not heal a person’s core wounds and therefore alter their way of being or behavior. They know that doing so will likely only deepen and sustain the wounds and the problem. They know that only love can heal all wounds and transform people.
But how can a society function without laws and a judicial process, and the threat of punishment and incarceration that is the cornerstone of this system? How can beings co-exist without some sort of “code-of-conduct” and associated disciplinary system? The code of conduct of highly evolved beings is elegantly simple:
Do not think, say, or do anything to another that you would not want to have thought, said, or done to you.
Sound familiar? Every religion on our planet teaches some version of what we’ve called “The Golden Rule.” The difference between human societies and highly evolved civilizations is that they actually apply The Golden Rule in their lives, rather than just giving it lip service.
But what happens in these civilizations if someone breaks The Golden Rule? Is it considered a “crime?” Believe it or not, there is no such thing as “crime and punishment” in highly evolved civilizations. No one commits a “crime,” because everyone understands that they are All One, and that an offense against, or harm to, another is an offense against their self.
And since their are no crimes, there is no need of what we might call “justice.” The concept of “justice” is interpreted and expressed in a different way, not as “punishment” but as “appropriate action,” and in most cases, the appropriate action is far different than what would occur in our society. A typical example is, rather than punishment and incarceration the action that would be taken would be education, support, and rehabilitation.
Justice is not something you experience after you act a certain way, but because you act a certain way. Justice is an act, not punishment for an act. An enlightened civilization understands this. The problem with our society is that we seek “justice” after an “injustice” has occurred, rather than “doing justice” in the first place, through the choices and actions that we make — justice is an action, not a reaction. When everyone in our society acts justly (e.g; follows The Golden Rule), we will not need judicial and incarceration systems.
#10 – They Do Not Believe In or Experience Lack
Highly evolved beings know that “lack” is a self-created experience and they have transcended it. They understand metaphysics deeply and know that they are eternal beings — that their ultimate essence is pure consciousness, non-physical and formless, and hence they do not fear death and are not concerned about their survival.
When survival isn’t the issue, the idea of lack begins to dissolve. Fear of not having enough is further dissolved by their knowing that they are creators — that what they experience (their reality) is created by their thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and desires and hence what they can experience is limited only to what they can imagine — and they have gotten very good at imagining only an abundance of health, happiness, and prosperity. At this level of consciousness, sometimes referred to as Creator Consciousness (versus Victim Consciousness), abundance is guaranteed.
At the level of existence of highly evolved civilizations they are no longer concerned with whether they will survive, or have enough, but in what manner they will live life to its fullest and create wonderful experiences for all.
Humanity is far from this level of consciousness and existence. Fear of not having enough, and survival runs deep, and it is one of the core reasons why there is so much competition, conflict, inequities, and suffering in our world.
But most of the perceived shortages on our planet are illusory. A good example is the supply of food. On our world, over 650 of our children die of starvation every hour — which seems to indicate there is a shortage of food. Yet we scrape enough food off our plates in restaurants to feed whole countries; no child needs to starve to death. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates food waste in the United States alone to be about 30 to 40 percent of the food supply — an estimated 133 billion pounds of food wasted.
This is a situation that would never, ever occur in highly evolved civilizations. They would simply make it a priority to figure out how to solve the issue, which is more one of distribution than it is of lack of supply. They would figure out how to “share” the food more effectively.
We have explored some of the key characteristics that distinguish highly evolved civilizations from others that are less so. If you’d like to explore these in more depth or learn about some of the other distinguishing characteristics not discussed here then check out Conversations with God – Book 4: Awaken the Species.
The example offered to us by highly evolved civilizations provides a tried and true model for us to adopt that can enable us to create that better world that we all yearn for. This model can be summed up very simply — caring, and sharing, and cooperation is a powerful combination that can transform our world!
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will live as one.
— John Lennon, Imagine
Let’s be the change we wish to see in the world and create a wonderful new earth together!