(Concluded from Part 2.)
Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies science officer Serenia discussed the creation codes in 2013.
Her discussion is so relevant that I include it at length here.
From “Albert Einstein and Science Officer Serenia address the universal grid and our collective oneness,” April 2, 2013, at https://counciloflove.com/2013/04/albert-einstein-and-science-officer-serenia-address-the-universal-grid-and-our-collective-oneness/.
When last I have spoken to you, I have talked about our mission, our current mission, and there are several of us, of the fleet — and I mean ships when I say “us” — that are working on the downloading of both scientific and healing… ‘formulas’ is our word, and the only word that you would understand, onto the Earth, into the Earth, into the air, into the water, and thereby into each one of you. And part of what we would like to discuss this day is how this download of these formulas work.
Now, you are correct, dear Geoffrey, when you say you do not know what you do not know. It would be like asking a student of languages to understand the most complex physics formula. The term that we would use to describe our formulas in human terms would be organic physics or biological physics, but they include elements of what you think of as your various bodies — so, your emotional, your physical, your mental, your causal, and so on.
Now, we have said and Michael, our beloved brother, has spoken to you, as has Sanat Kumara, about the unified grid. We are all part of one universal grid. There is no separation. The rifts, the tears, the rents in that grid have long since been repaired — yes, by the mighty ones, the archangels, and we in service to the Mother and to you, and to ourselves as well.
So when we speak of the universal grid and how everything, everything travels upon it, you simply think of a giant fishnet, or an internet, upon which all information travels. Our formulas have symbols and inclusions and compounds that you do not have the science understanding as yet to comprehend. But just because you do not know or are not yet fully familiar, because many of you have been seeing these symbols, in the air, in your eyes, on your forehead, just because you do not understand in a mental capacity, or your science does not understand in a fully mental capacity, the meaning of these symbols and formulas does not mean, for purposes of our conversation, that you do not understand them.
Now, think of one formula, let us say for clean water, because this, on our side and on yours, is a universal theme at the moment. It is front and center in terms of our priority lists and yours as well. Say the formula for water that we bring and transmit energetically, electronically, magnetically, onto the planet of Gaia, into the trees, the people, the Earth, the soil, the rocks, and the water, because we do not simply clean water by focusing on water; there is water in everything, as you well know — that formula could be hundreds of miles long.
Now, think of that formula as an accordion. So we squeeze that accordion together and now the formula can be — and we do it both ways, by the way — can be about, oh, a millimeter thick. All the information is still contained within. Now, sometimes in our ships we transmit the formulas, say, across the length of the Pacific Ocean, and we do not shrink it, and it is like a magnificent symphony just floating down into the water, into the waves, into the marine life of all forms, and into the heart of Gaia.
Then there are other moments when we do that shrinkage, and we will simply drop it into an area that has particular need, or into an individual who has particular need. Dehydration… you do not always understand this, but we would suggest that most — and we are talking high, very high percentages here; about 90 percent of humanity, and we mean the collective of hybrids, et cetera — are to some extent dehydrated. So, what we do when we are dropping this formula within you, we are not only cleansing, repairing, increasing the vibration in frequency within your being, we are also increasing, and basically what you would think of as hydrating, you. So the formula has many elements within it.
Now, when we speak of the formulas for water, for example, the waters within you are not simply electromagnetic conductors for physicality and for health and well-being, they are also the conductors of your emotional field, the stimulus for inspiration, ideas, mental processes. This is why you have such an expression of being “in the flow.”
Now, also what we want to share with you, just to give you an overview of these attunements, infusions, gifts that we are bringing forth, if you were to think that somehow the hundred miles of formula somehow got chopped up, separated like the links on a bracelet, it does not matter. Because the way we work — and, dear hearts, the reason I am saying this is to show you and to remind you — is how you work. Each element of the formula contains the entire formula. It is embedded and programmed that way. So there is no possibility of interruption or manipulation… or misapplication.
Why am I so emphatic about this? Because we want you to have the same understanding as brothers and sisters of the stars that each of you are, of your own genetic codes and your own divinity. You are also in every particle of your being, in every subatomic particle of your being, in every droplet and speck of water that is within you. The entire formula of your divinity is contained there within. It is anchored in your heart. The knowing and the experience and the truth and the love is anchored as your go-to place within your heart, within where we would say your heart consciousness rests. And that is exactly where it also rests within us, regardless of whether we are fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth dimensional beings. That similarity is consistent throughout this universe. So often you forget this.
Now, yes, the Council of Love has taught you to anchor, to go, to be, to rest, to operate — as do we — from your heart. But it would be a misunderstanding or an incomplete understanding to not realize that your formula is included in every speck of your being, from the skin on the bottom of your foot, to every hair in your head, to your spine, to your organs, to your blood.
So, then you say to me, “Well, Serenia, if this is so…” — and I assure you, dear hearts, it is — “…then why are you sending and adding these formulas, these upgrades, as it were, to humans and to the planet? Because surely if all the divinity is within every particle of my being, so it is with the mountains, the trees, the oceans, the animals.” And I say, yes, it is.
Why we are doing this is to awaken all of this, to restore, to raise up. It is perfect that we are having this discussion at a point where you are awakening and where in many parts of your world it is spring, a time of rejuvenation — yes, even as what some people think of as resurrection. We do not particularly use this term because we believe you are already, as are we, resurrected. But it is an awakening, it is a gentle shake. So it is the revitalization, organic, powerful. And it is not simply for the human beings, although I have spoken of you, because we love you so much, but it is also for the soil.
So in many ways what we are doing is reinserting and reawakening that memory of perfection. So, for example, for soil that has been mutilated and filled with pesticides or poisons or radiation, the formulas heal it and bring it not only to what it may have been originally, but to an even higher vibration. So soil can be soil, but it can also in many ways fulfill its desire to grow things, because that is part and parcel of what soil does. It laughs and plays when the plant life joins with it, when the devas and the fairies go back to dance upon it because it is clean and pristine. It is what we are primarily doing with your air and with your water.