Arcturian geometrical shape said to aid in activating manifestation codes
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
The Arcturians through Jill Amariah Mara point to sacred-geometrical symbols that have been designed to activate our codes:
“We are Arcturians of 6th dimensional consciousness. We relay to you the meaning and awareness that these graphic symbols can provoke in the viewers being. Each is coded with a particular pattern that aligns with a specific frequency that is encoded in the potential of each human being.” (1)
They remind us that “the extent to which this design can be decoded depends on the level of consciousness the viewer has obtained.” (2)
Our twelve DNA strands contains the codes for our new lightbodies.
“These [12 DNA] strands are an energetic blue print for the new luminous human being. As you elevate into a lighter vibratory rate, your strands become activated. This diagram speaks to the energetic DNA and codes them for activity.” (3)
Celia Fenn describes the kinds of codes she says were activated in 2015. Her discussion is illustrative of how codes may be used in bringing about the stages of our consciousness shift:
“The New Solar Light Codes are being installed, and a New Beginning awaits the Planet.
“This will be followed on the 4th April with a Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, where the Water Element will be the dominant transformational element. The Lunar Codes will be imprinted on the Cosmic Waters and the Waters of Earth to bring forth a ‘New Creation’ and a ‘New Heaven and a New Earth’….
“At the same time, all living beings readjust their inner time keeping mechanisms to allow themselves to connect with the deep changes in seasonal and elemental energy that is taking place. This is even more powerful when there is a New Moon, which is also a Fire Moon (Phoenix), and when that Fire Moon is also in Eclipse, allowing New Planetary Solar Codes to be integrated into the Cycles of Solar Light in the Solar/Solaris system. …
“In the Physical Body, you will be receiving Fire Codes or Solar Light Codes via the Pineal Gland and into the Light Body and the Physical Body. This is an intense Gold and Diamond Light that activates very strongly. You may experience these activations as an intense Joy and Ecstasy, as the Golden and Diamond energies activate on the cellular levels. …
“At this time, the energy of water will be powerfully recoded with the Light Codes of Diamond Creation; the Creation Codes for the New Earth. A New Tree of Life is emerging on the Earth!” (4)
Sanat gives us an illustration of how we might invoke the Law of Give and Receive to activate codes:
“When you are cooking supper, you invoke, as you begin, you invoke the Law of Give and Receive so you are receiving all the blessings, all the codes. …
“So into the food – you think of it as programming water; it is a variation on this – … first you receive all the blessings from Gaia, from the elementals, from the food itself, and the Love is flowing in. So if something has been sitting on the shelf for a day or two, it is reactivated to its full potential.
“So then you are working and the joy of creating that meal is a million-fold greater. And then when you give the food, whether it is to yourself, to your family, to your dog, it is a gift, and the energy, because it is in alignment with this Law that you have invoked at the beginning, so then you are receiving, you are giving, and then you are receiving, then you are giving gratitude, then you are receiving back our gratitude – it is an infinity flow.” (5)
Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman says that the right codes will be activated when our time to act approaches.
“You, the STARSEED, have joined with many groups, large and small, throughout the universe, and you have accepted special assignments which were to be carried out as a group in various locations and at specific times.
“We have mentioned before that you have been encoded with time or event triggers within your Diamond Core God Cell, which have been or will be activated at the designated time or when a specific part of the Grand Plan was to be initiated.” (6)
Thus, the higher-dimensional galactic societies and celestials here to help us embed these ubiquitous creation codes, which are sequences of numbers, into their messages to activate our hidden potentialities, help us with our agreed-upon missions, and bring our new, awakened life into being by the activation of these codes.
They encode their messages with a particular pattern that aligns with a specific frequency that is encoded in the potential of each human being.
Love alone, which is the basis of all that is, is prior to coding.
Our DNA contains the codes for our new lightbodies. When all is in divine timing, these codes will be activated. Other codes activate other potentialities to bring about the shift in consciousness upon this planet that fulfills the Divine Mother’s Plan for the New Age.
In the last part of this series, we let science officer Serenia discuss at length how using these codes, which she calls “formulas,” work.
(1) “Arcturian Transformation Tools,” through Jill Amaria Mara, Sept. 17, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/09/17/arcturian-transformation-tools/
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.’
(4) “Celia Fenn: The Phoenix Rising: Equinox and Eclipses March/April 2015,”
(5) Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at httpss://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.
(6) “Archangel Michael: Law of the Circle. Law of the Triangle,” October 5, 2010, at httpss://sbeckow.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/archangel-michael-law-of-the-circle-law-of-the-triangle/.