What form might the creation codes take?
As the Federation of Light reminded us through Blossom Goodchild, “everything upon your Planet has coding. Your planet is ‘run’ by codes … should we say.” (1)
What is coding? The Federation explains:
Federation: Codes are a sequence of numbers.
Blossom: I am seeing an image like that at the beginning of The Matrix movie.’
F: Precisely. We would even go as far as to say … that if, by way of explanation … you were to be given some ‘magical glasses’ … you would see your entire air/energy/atmosphere full of these codes … changing all the time, as on a computer screen … for within every breath … a different code is put in place. …
B: So, is it alive?
F: We would say ‘Yes’. Although, it is not of course ‘alive’ as in your human spirit. It does not have a spirit per se … Yet, it has Energy because it … itself … IS Energy. The format of IT … deduces Energy form.
It conducts Energy into particular forms … via codings….
It never stops. If it was to STOP … EVERYTHING would shut down. (2)
The Federation embeds coding within their messages to us, they tell us:
“We have embedded within the words … a sort of coding, which when ‘hit home’ by the souls depth of heart … allows the Purest recognition of the ‘self’ to resonate and understand. Sometimes, oft times, on a level that isn’t yet fully comprehended. …
“Energy … and as you know … ONLY ENERGY exists … and within all Energy there is coding in order to allow something, an object … a feeling … anything/everything to be what it is.” (3)
Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon agrees with Blossom’s source:
“Everything in Creation is codes, dear heart. … There are many combinations and permutations of those codes.” (4)
Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel says that the coding is stored in our “electrical systems”:
“Many people are feeling internal energy moving like electrical charges igniting their internal frequencies as the DNA shifts align your energy fields in new and powerful ways. This is because the vibrational codes are held within your electrical system.” (5)
Does the coding work faster depending on intention and activity?
“If someone … is deep in creation of ‘something new’ … then the coding goes into ‘full steam ahead’ because it is ‘figuring out’ the ‘design code’ for that particular creation for that person.
“We are one step ahead of you Blossom, for you are thinking ‘Isn’t everything already out-there/done/created? Don’t we just bring it into physical creation?’
“And the answer is Yes. EVERYTHING is already, indeed created. Yet … in order for an individual to bring it forth … the code of that particular ‘invention’ … firstly by coded thought … has to then be calculated by the code of the creation … and then adapted to merge with the code of the creator!” (6)
Does love come with a coding?
Federation: LOVE in its Highest Purest original form is not coded. It simply is LOVE.
Blossom: Yet, it is an Energy is it not?
F: Yes. Yet a finer/finest Energy of itself that does not require coding to manifest ‘life/things.’
ALL that comes from it … IS created into existence through thought power. (7)
Archangel Gabriel/Gabrielle through Shanta Gabriel explained that codes for awakening were activated after 2012:
“All of life is experiencing Year One of New Life Awakening on Earth. Throughout these past weeks you have been activated by the new codes for this awakening within the Sacred Geometry emblazoned across the starry realms.” (8)
These sacred numbers form a sacred geometrical design, Gabriel tells us:
“This Sacred Geometry acts as a Divine Matrix permeating the energy fields within and around the Earth and is coded with the Blueprint of Divine Perfection. As you align with this blueprint through the Sacred Geometry within your Light-body field, you may feel the pieces click together within you like an etheric Rubik’s Cube.” (9)
She elaborates on how the codes are activating our awakening process:
“The encoded light particles embedded in the waves of Light moving like a Tsunami of Change over your planet, hold the most Divine Frequencies and are activating the codes of Awakening that you hold within your DNA. Your being is responding in ways you have never experienced as these new levels of Light-encoded energies move though you. …
“The awakening codes are inviting you to see from a higher perspective, to lift your eyes and your awareness to higher understandings. You invite this new level to you with your thoughts and emotions. It takes only a gentle focus for you to come into Divine Understanding.” (10)
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “The Federation of Light: September 8, 2016,” channeled by Blossom Goodchild at https://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BG288sept8.html.
(2) “Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Sanat Kumara Suggests Concrete Ways to use Universal Laws in Our Daily Lives…,” Sept. 13, 2014, at httpss://counciloflove.com/2014/09/sanat-kumara-suggests-concrete-ways-to-use-universal-laws-in-our-daily-lives/.
(5) Archangel Gabriel: The Codes for New Life Awakening on Earth, channeled by Shanta Gabriel, August 29, 2013 at https://www.TheGabrielMessages.com
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Archangel Gabriel: The Codes for New Life Awakening on Earth,” Ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.