Hurricane Ophelia heading towards Ireland
St. Germaine has asked us to write Love on many things, from bodies of water to jugs of water, across the sky and inside our homes.
We can write Love across the hurricane heading to Ireland and Scotland, on the 22 million refugees, the flooding in Asia, the war in Yemen, the opioid crisis, the desperation in Venezuela, the disarray in Africa, the Los Vegas shooting, Harvey Weinstein, a neighbour down the street, our families, our self.
L o v e
In August of this year, St. Germaine reminded us to write the word L o v e with his Violet Flame to communicate the energy of transformation, transmutation, and the anchoring of the I Am:
“Long ago I have asked you to write ‘Love’ in the water, whether it is a pristine river, whether it is a fishing hole, whether it is the Atlantic or the Pacific, or simply a jug on your counter, in your bath water. Write ‘Love’ and do so my beloved ones, with my Violet Flame, violet ink, use my ray. And then write ‘Love’ in the air, in the very air. Write it across the sky…use your finger and write in the air, in the water, in the air inside your home. Write ‘Love’ on your thigh. Write ‘Love’ on your tummy. Write ‘Love’ on your best friend or your partner’s heart.
“I am renewing my request to use my Violet Flame and to write ‘Love’ everywhere and to communicate. That writing is un-erasable, it is immutable, and it is the wave, the sound, and the energy of transformation, transmutation, and the anchoring of the I Am.
“Write ‘Love’ on your cat and dog and horse…it is a reminder to Gaia and to the kingdoms that you have not forgotten them and that you share the same mission and purpose. They know and they know that you know, but it is like someone saying, ‘I Love you’ as Mi-ka-el has talked about this very week. You may know someone Loves you, but do you not wish to hear it? Do you not wish to feel it, to receive it, to have it refreshed and renewed? Of course you do.” (1)
Please join us writing LOVE everywhere. . . victims and perpetrators. . .
Those Who Have Publicly Accused Harvey Weinstein of Sexually Harassing or Assaulting Them
Jackson Katz: Violence against women — it’s a men’s issue
The Unexpected Paradigm-Shifting Power of #MeToo
An Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Elimination
to eliminate my hatred. (2)
(1) “St. Germaine – Write Love Everywhere” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 8, 2017, https://counciloflove.com/2017/08/st-germaine-write-love-everywhere/
(2) Voice of Freedom, a post: Love, Hatred, Love