Description: Join in this meditation to anchor the oneness of our circle of Heart, Mind and Joy and allow the Divine Essence of the Mother’s plan to infuse your beingness.
Saturday Conference Call, October 7, 2017
Thanks to Mare for the transcript.
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Let’s start this day, this beautiful day, whether it’s sunny or clouded, and certainly England and Scotland gave me a deeper appreciation for Uriel’s grayelsha, the pewter, the stormy clouds, the light gray mist.
Whatever it’s doing outside, let’s bring some of that effervescent golden joy into our hearts.
Let’s go as one circle, one heart, one mind, one will, together to the 13th Octave. Let’s go home together. Put your fingertips together as if you’re forming a bridge, a bridge between the past and the future and a bridge between heaven and earth.
Anchor in your heart…deeper…and feel that beautiful presence, know that beautiful presence of your sacred tri-flame; of the beautiful Pink Diamond, that’s you; and the Blue Diamond of the Mother and that’s you; and the beautiful Golden Yellow Diamond of the Father, and that’s an integral part of who you are…not fragmented in any way. Spend a moment with your flames, feel that energy, feel that lotus blossom sparkling and burning brightly.
And let’s do four clicks to take us to the 13th Octave and the fourth click to anchor us deeply, fully, completely, in the heart of Gaia…click…click…click…click. Allow yourself to be home.
Allow yourself to be fully bi-located so that as you glance down from the heart of Mother/Father One you can see your beautiful self sitting in your chair, or on the floor, or on your bed. And feel that red cord that runs down from the heart of the Mother, where you are, down to the heart of Mother Earth, where you also are.
And when you choose to fully return into your body, that connection of being in the 13th Octave is never broken – it’s where you live and operate from.
But as you bring the energy into your body, remember you are anchoring the full tapestry of the Mother’s Plan, every detail, and every detail is filled with love. That’s the thread, that’s the canvas, that’s the needle – they’re all made of love.
And so, as you go forth, whether it’s opening the door for someone, or doing a sacred healing, or chatting with a friend, or smiling at a stranger, you are giving not only yourself but the fullness of the Mother/Father One. You are the vessel of that transmission, that delivery system and it’s an honor but it’s also a delight.
Feel the joy at being home, feel the joy, period!…golden sparkles, golden bubbles, golden rain.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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