Karen has given me the report on voluntary subscriptions.
From October 1 thru Oct. 9, 2017, the blog received 32 new subscriptions with a value of $450 monthly.
Added to earlier subscribers, that brings us to a grand total of 500 monthly subscribers.
Feedblitz users are at 4,056 monthly. Facebook has around 20,000 followers. In addition to subscribers and Facebook readers, we also average around 20,000 hits a day from people coming directly to the blog. So around 40,000 visits a day.
Profound thanks go out to everyone who contributed. This will be the last message in our subscription outreach. And it’ll be our final message in our donor or patron outreach as well.
We’ve had donors or patrons in the past. We can name the late Rosy Lecky now, who bore the costs of InLight Radio for a long while. Others prefer to be anonymous.
Michael has told us in the past that there are folks out there whose wealth does not come from the Reval who are looking for a place to “invest” in as their part of the Plan.
Not investing for profit, but aiding in the outworking of the Plan. We’d like to suggest to those in this position to consider the Golden Age of Gaia (and InLight Radio and the Hope Chest).
The last few days have been interesting in this regard. Why don’t I take you along on what has been happening behind the scenes?
I was considering taking the blog into hibernation November 1 because none of us has anything left.
Everyone has maxed out their savings, lines of credit, credit cards, and anything else that we can think of to remain afloat. Most of us are beyond $50,000 in debt.
Linda said I looked haggard from the stress of it all and graciously offered me a reading on Oct. 10, 2017.
I asked Michael if we should take the blog into hiatus and all of us go seek employment. His response was:
“No, I am not suggesting that we shut down or even bring to a hiatus (and we can talk about this) our beloved platform because in this time of turmoil, in this time of so much false information, hopes, dreams (however you think of it), thoughts being presented, it is important, it is critical, it is crucial that the human beings on the Light path have a place to turn to that is reliable, that can feed not only their minds but their souls.
“Now there are also times when you place things on simmer rather than boil and I would suggest you that this is one of those times because when the entire planet is on a high-rolling boil there also needs to be the place of refuge where it does not feel like that, where there is a low simmer that is comforting, reassuring and truthful.” (1)
He asked me to engage with the Universal Law of Give and Receive, which I’m happy to do, now that I see how relevant and helpful invoking the universal laws is.
I took heart from the way he described the mission of the blog right now:
“In this time of turmoil, in this time of so much false information, hopes, dreams (however you think of the thoughts being presented), it is important, it is critical, it is crucial that the human beings on the Light path have a place to turn to that is reliable, that can feed not only their minds but their souls.”
I confess that I was wondering what the blog’s purpose was, given how little news is coming out of any source, really – celestial or terrestrial. It’s as if the world has gone silent.
One reader wrote in and said we’d lost our relevance. I was taken aback. Maybe we had.
But Michael reminded me that all of us are becalmed amid the chaos and the team’s managing the becalming is itself a contribution. That gave me renewed energy.
As a pillar, a team leader, and a military general in a past life, I feel an inner impulse to do everything I can to keep the team going.
Michael told us where our provisions would be coming from.
“The provisions will come from a variety of sources and, yes, we will use you and some human beings to help deliver but that doesn’t mean it does not come from the Company of Heaven and the Mother herself. It does.
“Yes, she uses vehicles and that is the way it is set up. That is part of the plan, for people to learn how to be generous without condition. This is the prelude. This is how your society is to work. It is the equality of sharing, of giving and receiving.”
With that reassurance, my financial uncertainty settled down.
I presume that the same reassurance applies to anyone who turns to the archangels and the Divine Mother as the source of their sustenance.
You can still be part of this wonderful outworking. We invite you to donate, not because you need to or have to, but, in this way, to be part of this wonderful community of lightworkers holding things together conceptually and emotionally, until the Reval arrives.
Those who find they cannot donate are invited to join us in loving intentions of building community. They’re as powerful as money; they’re what Michael calls “spiritual currency.”
What has kept us “alive” amid so much financial uncertainty is that we know that the Mother wishes us to make ourselves vulnerable in this way – Michael said so again in this last reading – in order to kickstart sharing within the Lightworker community.
He explains:
“Part of the plan [is] for people to learn how to be generous without condition. This is the prelude. This is how your society is to work. It is the equality of sharing; of giving and receiving….
“One of the things that you are teaching and holding for the collective is that there is a give and take. There is a give and receive. There is a balance, an infinite balance throughout the universe.”
We’re being used as a demonstration of the necessity, by universal law, to give as well as receive. We lightworkers are asking to receive through the Reval, but how are we on the giving side? And for our part at GAoG, how are we on the receiving side?
The purpose of the Universal Laws is to restore balance. In my view, we need to practice give and receive as more of a dance, a flow if we’re to stay in balance.
Right now we lightworkers in general may be mainly interested in receiving – saving, secreting, whatever. Me too. Times are tough. I’m not immune. But that creates an imbalance.
For the divine pipeline to work, as I understand it, we need to attend to both giving and receiving.
I appreciated the reassurance Michael gave us. And knowing from past readings that our appeals for funds have the effect of awakening generosity among people who are soon going to be dispensing generosity – after the Reval – makes it all bearable.
I know the whole team – GAoG, InLight Radio, and the Hope Chest – joins me in thanking you for your role in keeping the blog, the Hope Chest, and InLight radio team together and functioning. Without you, none of this would be possible.
We love you and we love serving you,
Here is how to subscribe:
(1) Please click above or here https://hopeche.st/donate/, where you’ll see:
Make a monthly donation to Golden Age of Gaia
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(2) Please enter the amount.
(3) Hit “subscribe” and set up the means by which your subscription will be paid.
(4) If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: hopeche.st/contact/
Note from Karen: If you wish to use a credit card for your subscription, it needs to be a card that is not hooked up to Paypal or it will automatically go through Paypal. It has need to be a credit card not associated with your Paypal account.
(1) All quotes are from Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 10, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.