In the following exchange between Heavenly Blessings caller “David” and Sanat Kumara, I think David wanted to be pushed, prodded, and prompted.
I think Sanat responded in just the way David wanted him to, giving him full value for his money from this exchange. It was over the best way to achieve the Consciousness of One.
“Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Transmutation. October 8, 2013,” at
David: I have a quick question. I want to know if, when we’re talking about the Law of Transmutation, it feels like there’s also a way, we’re not talking so much about this, but it’s about destroying the illusion. … So I want to ask if there is a way of transforming our ultimate negative thoughts of separation and getting into this consciousness that we are really one. Because I think then everything will dissolve into truth again. So this is my question.
Raj: Yes there is a process and of course the core issue is always self-worth and self-love. And you can place this lack within your hands.
But do not forget I do not give this simply for you but for all. (1) And not everyone on the planet is prepared to start at that point. (2)
The one thing that I have not said, and it is important, [is that] this is about destruction, but I have used the term very specifically [to mean] about cleanup. About reconstruction.
As you are clearing away, and let us use again the analogy of the buried treasure, as you are cleaning off the barnacles, as you are cleaning off the mud and the sludge, the tarnish, (3) you are loving it. So it is not with disdain, ever. (4)
You are doing it because you are uncovering a precious treasure that is either you or a nation or a belief system or a collective. So you are loving the barnacles. You are loving the mud, because it has protected what was so precious and important to you. But now, it is time for the treasure to re-emerge. And for the treasure to re-emerge in the purity of its space.
So say you have brought up a beautiful ruby. And it has been covered in all of this; but you know what lies within. So you reach down to the ruby after you have removed the barnacles, the sludge, the crustaceans, the weeds, etc.; now the ruby is looking pretty grim. It is dull, it looks like a stone you would pick up on the edge of a gravel pit.
But you know that it is a ruby because you see and know the original intent, which was always Love. Which was always wholeness, which was always fulfillment. So, then you are taking that ruby – and this is the reconstruction – and you are polishing it; you are talking to it; you are connecting to it. You are loving it until it gleams in the sun and the moonlight like one of the brightest rainbow ships in the sky.
So yes, begin if you are ready, with self-worth. I would welcome that. But not everybody is. So let us use another example. If you are working for example with the people of Syria, there is a purity of heart and purpose in this sacred place. But there is a lot of sludge. Not everyone is ready to jump. All the layers of war, of abuse, have need to be moved away gently, lovingly, before that ruby of the beauty of Syria can emerge.
So do not simply use it for yourself. Use it for many of your global situations as well. That is what we did in the creation of Venus.
David: May I ask another question? Sanat Kumara maybe you can answer this quickly. Is our goal – here in duality and separation – to unite and unify ourselves back to the Oneness from where we’ve come?
Raj: Yes. But through all the Laws. And that is why we go through them one by one. Because there are some Laws that are more effective to use. But they are always used as a [codified] body….
But I wish, my beloved friend, to correct you. You are not in duality and polarity. You do not live there any longer. That is like saying you still live in the house where you were born. You do not. So let it go.
And declare yourself. You live in a reality of Unified Field. (5) You live in a reality where you are reclaiming the fullness of your being as creator. As creator race.
The old needs to become a dim memory. So allow it to be so. Not erased, because we want you to remember so you don’t revert. But do not declare yourself, my friend, as living there. You do not.
(1) Sanat challenges the young man to stop seeing himself as enmeshed in a duality that does not exist anymore except in our minds.
Sanat shares his own sacred purpose, sacred mission: He needs to speak in a manner comprehensible to all people, while knowing that people will follow different paths. The chief gulf is between the paths of dualism and non-dualism. He must speak to adherents of both, leading them forward to Ascension by following the Universal Laws.
(2) People are in all different places. They may reject our appeal for any number of reasons. Not everyone will respond to our invitation.
(3) Removing the vasanas or core issues, the conditioning, and all the overburden that conceals the Natural Self.
(4) Disdain will only add a fresh layer to the vasana. We must either accept the vasana and complete our experience of it or, better still, love it. Either will dissolve it.
(5) Precisely the answer and the encouragement that I think David wanted.