Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
As we create and build the internal landscape of the Christed Presence, the New Earth experience, and the transcendent qualities of Ascension, the external landscapes of higher realities are revealed. This resonance with Unity Consciousness, the alignment with the Multidimensional Self, is an exquisite and palpable experience spreading rapidly through the collective.
The direction was clear to Wayshowers: Achieve Embodiment of the Christed /Crystalline/Unity state, and it will trigger massive acceleration for those choosing Ascension. This year is validating those messages, and the experience of bifurcation grows stronger, clearer and wider.
Embodiment of the Christed Self: Becoming the Presence to Shift Realities
Describing and writing about this current phase is challenging. Between the traveling, unpacking, shifts with Mount Shasta and my own consciousness, a few days of rest are in order. Kindwhile, here are a few observations, a new podcast, and a reminder to participate in our SUNday meditations.
Embodiment feels Avatar-like as the Higher Self steps forth through the body vehicle and Lower Self consciousness. When we surrender to this Divine Presence of Self, it rewrites our consciousness via our DNA. It changes the way we feel, think, act and create.
As the New Crystalline Templates of the Divine HUman activate on the collective level, we expand together. You may feel the expansion physically through the Heart center, however the effect on consciousness via DNA is key to a consistent, unwavering crystalline state.
You may have noticed the change in SUNlight since the Equinox; it has that mystical quality similar to the eclipse. Remember changes in the SUN reflect changes in the way in which we project our consciousness. We are about to receive another upgrade as Gateways to the New Earth and the crystalline experience open wide. This is a result of Wayshowers anchoring the crystalline consciousness (the return of the Christ.) Be present with this throughout October, and listen/feel the Higher Self for in-the-moment direction. Let the Light reveal the new landscape.
Heart On Radio: Podcast with Shana Eva
Another podcast from Sedona is available. Shana Eva and I share a beautiful heart-centered exchange. Feel the love and Presence in our conversation, which flowed into many topics.
Video version can be found on the Ascension Integration channel HERE
Downloadable on Blogtalk:
Global Unity Meditations on SUNday: DNA Activation for All
One of the strongest sensations I experience during the Unity Meditations is our crystalline DNA code exchange. We are truly learning so much about Unity Consciousness through these weekly connections. We were told that consistent practice would prepare us for future service; I feel that passage is Now. Our dedication and consistency is affecting many hearts, many realities. We are capable of raising thousands to the Christed experience; let us unify with these intentions for global Ascension in the Now.
Join the Unity Meditations for amplification and Divine support on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. To the thousands of Souls co-creating this Divine connection; We Love you, We Bless You, We Thank You for your Service to Gaia and all of creation!
In Love, Light and Service,
“Becoming the Presence: Building New Landscapes,” by Sandra Walter, October 6, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution