Lately, Steve and I have been going to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES), a small area, known for much disarray around addiction since the early days of prohibition.
This Friday night, as we walked the few blocks and alleyways, I cast St. Germaine’s Violet Flame, observing, feeling pervasive hopelessness, failure.
As we ourselves let go the last dregs of the old entrenched beliefs and our fears and sorrows, I find it interesting that I’m drawn to come to the DTES.
It began to get dark, so we went into the Carnegie Library on the corner of Main and Hastings. Upstairs they serve meals for a few dollars – $3.25 to be exact.
We decided to eat — one soup and one meal was enough for the two of us — delicious, creamy fish soup and salty, buttery, roasted brussel sprouts with basil, boiled potatoes with carrots, onions and yams, bannock, and a piece of wonderful banana bread. . .
There were many eating, mostly men, and it was a real surprise what good home cooking it was.
In the middle of the night I woke up, and a picture was shown to me of something that had happened in the DTES while we were there.
A young Native girl had put a camel-coloured coat around my shoulders as I stood outside of one of the Women’s Centres.
Why she did this, I’m not really sure.
I turned around, startled, and she said, “Throw it to me.”
So I did, and walked away.
What I should have done
was place it around her shoulders,
and give her a hug.
As I lay in bed, I saw how I have need to be more Loving, not only externally, but internally as well.
It was the perfect illustration
for me to see myself.
What I found interesting about this incident is that I didn’t judge it too much. I stared at the picture in my mind and faced right into it, rather than pushing it aside.
Life review with equanimity,
detachment from perceived failure,
coming to non-judgement of everything is our Ascension.
We’ve had Ascension failure in the distant past, (1) but this Ascension, we’re assured there’ll be no failure. (2)
The DTES of Vancouver looks like a place of failure from the outside, but is it the external reflection, the last remnants of old belief systems we are letting go of internally?
I feel I will be working, physically there, to help balance the DTES somehow.
Loving myself completely — mind, heart, and will balanced — letting go of all perceived failure internally, allows me to be that way externally with everyone.
Ascension is the balance of everything, from within to without, all ways of community.
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Small amounts from many create miracles. It’s the way of the future and part of our Ascension.
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(1) Atlantis and Lemuria.
(2) “Opportunities to return to higher densities have been offered in prior cycles and missed.” (Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2007.)
“The opportunity to ascend is the natural conclusion of this cycle, and although you have missed out on earlier occasions, this time if you are ready you are absolutely certain to ascend.” (SaLuSa, May 14, 2012.)
“We would ask you to also look to the bigger picture. You are literally going into the fray to help shift those who are not quite awake yet. This is one of the primary roles of both wayshowers and pillars. You are gathering the people up and you are showing them the way.
“So do not think for one moment that this is about punishment or failure or a plan gone awry. This is about you finishing up. And, dear heart, you are joined by [Archangel] Gabrielle and her legions, [Archangel] Michael and his legions, and the ascended masters. You do not travel alone.
“And in that journey, be in sacred union. Be in Divine Union with me. Because I am with you. You are my physical hands and eyes and smile. You are the demonstration of what Love really looks like on Gaia. And there is no more important demonstration than that. And in that chaos, in that fray, you will begin to see, there are those who are open to Love and who have been sitting there, standing there, lying there, waiting for someone to show them how or which way to turn.
“Do not underestimate your power to create.”
(Divine Mother: “My Desire is that Every Being on the Planet Falls in Love”, October 3, 2014)