We at the Golden Age of Gaia are a team, a circle of lightworkers on a sacred mission, serving the Divine Mother and Her Plan of Love, Unity, and Community.
For many years now, alongside countless other beings on Gaia, we have been asked to consciously let go of the old ways of being, and anchor in the Love and peace, unity and community.
Our mission also happens to be connected to financial way showing, the Divine Feminine perspective of community, sacred purpose, joy.
The Council of Love has talked to us endlessly about Love, Love, and more Love, that Nova Earth is Love, that we are birthing the new ways with Love.
Archangel Michael said to a group of us in a personal reading in February, 2012:
“When there is creation on this side, when the Mother/Father One breathes, and decides to create, or to expand the Infinite reality, it is not a struggle. It is a very smooth flow.”
In higher dimensional societies, there is smooth flow, all are taken care of, and, if there is imbalance, awareness of need is addressed; balance and joy are restored.
Archangel Gabrielle talked to us of a tribe in Africa when she was explaining the blessing and virtue of joy in March, 2013:
“Let us use the example of this small tribe, of what many would think of as primitive, and perhaps is one of the most advanced civilizations on your planet.
“I speak about the courage, because when one of them loses their joy or missteps there is the acknowledgement that not only does it affect the individual, but the collective of the tribe is also immediately affected.
“So, the tribe, the community comes together to heal that individual and to help restore that sense of balance, of rightness, of joy.” (1)
She told us that often in our western world we don’t want to look deeply into something because it brings us down; it can be a ‘downer’:
“Now I have spoken to you about the quality of free choice, decision, in what you choose to bring you daily joy, but it is courageous to also have your joy, and to say to the person who is not in joy, ‘Hey, what’s going on? Let’s restore this.’
“Not to assume their burden or reality, and of course this is related to all the blessings and virtues, it is related to compassion, to Love and truth.
“But so often you simply take a left turn and try to avoid, because this will not bring me joy, rather than seeing through it and also saying, ‘We’d better fix this because it’s going to affect all of our joy.’
“So that is another element and I’m glad you have brought it up. Joy is contagious, it is a strong viral energy, and it moves at lightning speed.”
In higher-dimensional community, everyone cares about each other’s joy.
Our collective sorrow is not letting go of control, so often not embracing community, not taking care of each other.
Let’s create together
our Nova Earth community,
where there is no struggle, no need,
where there is that place of
Love and joy, sacred purpose,
ecstasy, bliss, harmony, balance,
caring and sharing.
(1) “AA Gabrielle Speaks to the Divine Quality of Joy and Shares an Exercise to Stay There,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, March 12, 2013, https://counciloflove.com/2013/03/aa-gabrielle-speaks-to-the-divine-quality-of-joy-and-shares-a-practical-exercise-to-stay-there/