May I have a discussion with you about what I regard as important aspects of building Nova Earth with the funds generated from the Reval?
I had an exchange with Archangel Michel in a personal reading on Aug. 2, 2017, which has led to a number of insights and alterations in my Post-Reval plan for myself.
I’d like to post some of those insights in this article and follow it with a second article containing an excerpt from the reading on the importance of balance in approaching humanitarian philanthropy.
I came with one question but he gave me a different answer, as you’ll see in Part 2.
Let me explain my position after the Reval, as it has evolved, much of it as a result of this reading.
As matters stand now, and as a result of my wanting to spend a quarter of my time in awareness writing, (1) I’ll be part of the “flowthrough” or “throughput” segment of the abundance chain.
I personally won’t be funding people or projects now. (The Hope Chest will however.) Instead I’ll be funding funds and foundations.
Or, in the beginning, large organizations who can be relied upon to further use or distribute the money.
Sitara and I often discuss the fact that she’s concerned with grassroots action and community development and I’m concerned with blue-sky notions (visionary work) and largescale finances.
My service will lie in “flowthrough” to hubs rather than serving as a hub myself. Sitara, for instance, may choose to serve more as a hub in the Bellingham area. I think it’s introverts and extroverts again.
With that as prelude, may I say that in the weeks since that interview, I’ve come to see two elements of the overall plan to build Nova Earth that I think need to be put in place – now is a good time – if we’re to excel as stewards of the Mother’s wealth and a community of New Earth planet-builders.
The first one concerns our need to respect each other’s freedom.
I firmly believe that, as a globe, the chances of the success of our efforts to build Nova Earth will rise or fall proportionate to the extent to which we allow everyone (except those with harmful intent) freedom of will, choice, action, and path.
We regularly and routinely fail to recognize or actually violate the free will and choices of others. We’ll never be able to build Nova Earth together unless that stops universally. Everywhere on Earth. Things need to go back to the way they were in the days when you left your bike on the front lawn and the door unlocked. Yes, I remember them.
Everyone’s property was respected. There was little stealing. We were taught to be polite and seldom saw anything get out of hand.
We need to recreate the safety and security for all people that allows us to again unlock our doors – this time the doors of our hearts.
The second element concerns tolerating diversity.
As I see it, as we contemplate building Nova Earth together, tolerating and even enjoying our diversity is going to be a highly-valued gift. We’re about to become, not a melting pot – not by any stretch of the imagination – but a cultural mosaic.
Think of a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle. It takes all the pieces in place to make the puzzle become a picture. Each piece is different, but part of the whole.
I have my piece of the puzzle and you have yours. Without our pieces, the picture may not be seen.
If we just agree with each other to live and work (and be allowed to live and work) consistent with our puzzle piece, allowing others the same right, and combine our efforts, rather than trying to make everyone else be like ourselves, we’ll turn the puzzle into a picture.
If not, we remain puzzle pieces worriedly seeking the whole.
To summarize both elements: To successfully build Nova Earth together, in my opinion, in future, we’ll need to religiously respect (A) each other’s freewill choices and (B) our cultural diversity, making allowances for it.
That’s the price of making the overall task of building Nova Earth work, I think. (What do you think?)
Coming back to the interview, again as background, Sanat Kumara and Michael have both promised me that there will be what Sanat called “bumper cars” with additional funds behind the initial currency-funded money.
But I still need to know how to coordinate matters – what my rate of flowthrough should be. I didn’t want to jeopardize matters overall by flowing funds through too quickly. How quick is quick? How slow is slow?
Michael began by saying that I should hold back enough funds to gift over a three-year period. And he asked me to also hold back a contingency fund, or “grand reserve,” as he called it.
But he didn’t answer my question by coming up with a formula for throughput or something similar. Instead he focused my attention on achieving balance.
Well, of course, in balance is where discrimination lies, serenity, generosity. He advised to proceed with moderation, except in the matter of remunerating the staff, where I should be generous.
Since Michael is my cocreative partner, I know he has his eyes on the finances and can coordinate the bumper cars. I know deep down I don’t really need to worry about it.
According to him, learning to respond with balance is what will save me from jeopardizing operations.
I know he’s right. He’s just given me the “Prime Directive.”
Implicit in what he recommends is for me to use the universal laws in my work because their entire intent is to restore the individual to balance. (I’m going to turn next to the universal laws after completing the Divine Mother book.)
Note to myself: Balance = centerpoint = heart. All attention, from whatever source you read, is being focused on the heart, the balance point, the stillpoint. No wonder. Preparation for a heart opening?
At some point I predict that calling upon the laws will become second nature to us all, which I think is what’s cosmically intended.
In the next post comes the exchange with Archangel Michael on the importance of balance in Post-Reval gifting.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) A quarter in each of sacred partnership, financial stewardship, awareness writing, and sleep.