Happy International Peace Day!
As my contribution, may I offer my reflections on experiences of deep peace?
They’re the kind that I believe Archangel Michael was referring to when he said:
“What is the meaning of peace? Yes, there are various explanations … but in fact most of [them relate] to the cessation or the absence of war.
“Now I am certainly not saying that that is not significant. It is, but it is not the level of peace – or it is not the fullness of the mission of peace – that I am entrusted with, with all of you, and with many galaxies far beyond in the name and on behalf of the Mother and Father.” (1)
Imagine being entrusted with seeing that peace is made throughout many galaxies. My head swirls.
But here’s the crux of the rest of the message for me: “[Peace as a cessation of war] is not the level of peace that I am entrusted with, with all of you.”
Archangel Michael, I could not have gotten what you just said a few years ago. (2) A phrase like “inner peace” would have been just a nice couple of words. Mere intellectual knowledge.
But now, on several occasions, I’ve experienced a small measure of that deep and bottomless “level of peace” that I’m certain you’re pointing at. And now I absolutely understand what you’re saying. (3)
Yes, yes, a mere cessation of war is just a prelude to the … “uncovering” is the best word I can find … of the bottomless, ceaseless peace that we are inside.
In the case of war, we declare an armistice and settle for what we call an “uneasy truce,” as if that’s “real peace.” It’s not.
Real peace is in fact our natural state but we’re usually a ways away from it.
It’s this deep well of peace that we need to explore. If we think we’ve spent a long time getting here, just wait. I think that, once we start exploring real peace, we’ll find that a whole other journey opens ahead of us.
Peace, like bliss and love, just goes deeper and deeper and deeper, Michael has explained to me.
Peace is like the lake of bliss Sri Ramakrishna talked about. It doesn’t matter how you get into the lake as long as you do. OK, nothing bad, but running, jumping, and falling are all permitted.
I’ve been lucky to have been given a number of “visits” to places like love, bliss, peace, etc.
Never has anything been so delightful. There was a complete cessation of stress in the space of peace. It was wonderful … and natural and normal.
These preliminary glimpses – brief experiences – of peace were undoubtedly not as deep as Paul’s “peace that passeth understanding.” But they were unmistakable and indelible experiences nonetheless.
And they make Michael’s words easily understandable now. All it takes, it seems, is a brief experience of a higher-dimensional state and one immediately understands what was impenetrable before.
Now that I know what real peace is, I feel the same push that so many others have: The drive to communicate what it was that was felt and seen so that others can share in the experience.
(1) Archangel Michael in “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: Peace is Love, May 11, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/21/transcript-archangel-michael-peace-is-love-may-11-2017/
“Peace at Last,”
(3) Cf. “With Quiet Comes Peace,”