Project Peace & Love: Please join us 8 minutes at 8PM every night to hold the highest vision of Love and peace for humanity.
In the Caribbean, Hurricane Maria has cut a path through Puerto Rico.
Most predictions suggest that Maria will veer north and spare the mainland United States, but officials say the East Coast is still not out of danger. Coastal areas may feel its effects this weekend with heavy rains and dangerous gales.
On Tuesday Mexico had a 7.1 magnitude earthquake. “Mexico City earthquake: Rescue Dog who has saved 52 lives launches into searching rubble for trapped victims”
In Yemen the people are starving and dying of cholera: “Yemen crisis fueled by war, outsiders“.
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims – a stateless minority in the Buddhist-majority state Rakhine – have fled Myanmar for Bangladesh. “Rohingya crisis explained in maps”
In this post, musicians are coming together to raise money for the 22 million refugees forced to flee conflict and persecution around the world: “Give A Home to support refugees with 300 gigs around the world.”
This article says: “The opioid crisis is squeezing small-town finances. Emergency calls, coroner bills and childcare costs are adding up.”
Please join us every night, 8 minutes at 8PM,
to respond by holding the highest vision of Love and peace,
everything in balance, for our Nova Earth.
Thank you.
The entrenched beliefs we’re holding on to, that “God is punishing”, are reflected in our external world.
Discovery of the small unconscious and subconscious phrases we daily say to ourselves sets us free, and helps free humanity, in the interconnectedness of everything. . .
All there is is Love and peace.