Credit: I Robot
Kathleen has been assisting me to identify some of the conclusions and decisions that arise from my vasanas (or core issues).
I battle my own vasanas as much as anyone else.
I nearly had a heart attack when I saw how extensive the list was. And my chagrin was multiplied when I realized that this reflects my actual behavior. It isn’t simply theoretical.
I am a robot. My behavior is completely automatic at times. It’s sobering and humbling to realize it.
If I allow the destructive self-messages to remain with me, by staying unaware of them, I’ll become Ebenezer Scrooge. And it’ll take more than the Ghost of Christmas Past to wake me up. It certainly will make this clean-up phase before Ascension a rocky ride.
I see the need to keep waking up and not falling back under the spell of my vasanas.
We know this is the purification phase of Ascension. Certainly for me, everything is coming up, which makes it a wonderful opportunity to process and release it all.
Conclusions |
I’m not heard |
They don’t care |
Life is cruel |
Nothing ever lasts |
I’m hitting my head against a brick wall |
I can’t do this/I can’t make this work |
This is a waste of time |
I hate being manipulated |
I’m not safe |
I’m all alone |
I don’t deserve love. |
I’m not wanted |
I’m on my own |
I’m glad to be finished with this whole thing |
I’m free |
This is futile |
I’m not interested in money |
I don’t know how |
You won’t take no for an answer |
You have to watch out/keep your guard up |
You can’t trust anyone |
Decisions |
I will not shut up / remain silent |
I will not keep the family secrets |
I’m making my own fun |
Leave me alone |
I’m going to be a monk |
I won’t agree to this |
I don’t want to be controlled |
I can’t make money |
I will never fight over money |
I don’t want to deal with money |
I don’t want to prostitute myself |
I won’t sell myself/I won’t be bought |
I will not kowtow to rich people |
I don’t want to be beholden to people |
I won’t ask for money again |
I don’t want to come out (of the womb) |
Get me outta here |
This is going nowhere |
I’m out of here/I won’t stay another minute |
I also arrived at affirmations to address the false beliefs I generated. I’d like to be able to position them next to the conclusions and decisions, but the page is not wide enough.
The affirmations supply new language, new commands to oneself that point to a more productive and beneficial outcome than anything that resides in my mind at the moment.
Conclusion Affirmations |
I am heard |
Folks are caring |
Life is benevolent to those who are benevolent |
The important things last |
Nothing is impossible |
I can do this/I can make this work |
Nothing is a waste of time if done consciously |
I am adequate to manage my own affairs |
I am safe |
I’m watched over by my guardians |
I deserve love |
I am wanted |
I’m joined by others |
I send these events on their way with a blessing |
I am free |
Nothing is futile |
I am interested in the good that money can do |
I know how |
My answer is no |
I am safe |
I trust people |
Decision Affirmations |
I am self-expression/ I will speak |
I am confidential |
I am having fun with people |
I am enjoying people |
I am enjoying community |
I’d choose a different path |
I am free |
I am worth my hire |
I am generous |
I am enjoying using money for good purposes |
I am an independent person |
I am integrity |
I am free |
I am enjoying whomever I’m with |
I ask for what I need |
I will come out |
I am staying |
I am glad we’re discussing things |
I am staying |