Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
Gratitude to all holding space during this Full Moon week integration. Obviously, this is a strong series of clearings and restructuring initiated by the August Gateway and eclipse. Even though it appears to be USA focused at the moment, this will radiate out from the eclipse activation (North America) soon.
Our Full Moon integration week brought strong X and M class Solar Flares, Geomagnetic storms from CME impacts which will unfold throughout the weekend, and associated Earthquake, elemental adjustments (weather), and plenty of Service work for all Lightworkers to attend to. Choose your area of expertise and assist in stability, integration and balance as these eclipse and timeline-split related frequencies provide a more palpable, physical experience for the entire collective.
As always, the effects on the body vehicle are what they are. Be sure to take note of the shifts in your consciousness; changes to the energy fields, heart center, visions, thought patterns and choices are amplified during this phase of our Ascension. The experience of collective UNITY consciousness, rather than personal symptoms, is a clear indication of timeline choice. More on that next week. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, and those in Service are busy assisting – not preventing – all of these clearings and adjustments to unfold with as much ease and grace as possible.
Trinity Stargate Influence
This latest click in the combination lock includes the encodements from the Trinity Stargate convergence, which activated *all systems GO* for the highest trajectory of the September Equinox and associated alignments – on a collective level. The effects across the USA are evidenced by the elementals, and are a benevolent alchemical phenomenon.
As the Team mentioned last month, It’s our turn – meaning Gaia will be receiving more cosmic frequencies (flares, storms, etc.) which we have usually been shielded from during Earth-facing quiet passages. Since the Trinity Stargate convergence of the eclipse, Solaris has entered the edges of the *hot zone* of dimensional-shifting geometries and photonic-encoded light.
Feel this transmission: If clarity escapes you, or you are unable to connect with your higher levels at the moment, it may be an opportunity to learn Divine Neutrality, Beloveds. This is a heightened clearing time as realities crumble, both Global and personal. The polarity of drama does not serve (nor exist in) the higher trajectories. And honestly, the unawakened will be experiencing enough drama. Our task is balance via higher vibration, revelation of the True HUman experience, and raising as many willing hearts onto the higher timelines. Parent your thoughts, words, deeds and creations to align with the highest trajectory, you highest desired outcome. Be honest with your own Heart. Breathe, send calm waves of LoveLight to all, visualize Global Ascension; we are raising as many as possible with these new frequencies.
This current Solar and planetary activity is a direct reflection of what is unfolding with the timelines and collective consciousness shifts, which are much more dramatic than many realize. Massive clearings and expansion of the crystalline New Earth are in progress; let us remind you to connect with your higher perspective as this unfolds.
Many of you had the I AM forever changed experience – again – during the eclipse. Stay in that heart-set; surrender to the New Light emerging through the heart and Ascension column. Attempting to go back to the old template will cause suffering in the body, mind and emotions. Trust yourself as you call forth the highest, brightest path of the Ascension.
SUNday Unity Meditations: Higher Timeline Co-Creation
We offer an open invitation to anyone choosing the New Earth experience. Perhaps you have seen the unified circles of Higher Selves during these meditations. Last week provided a profound DNA expansion. Let us assist Gaia and HUmanity in accepting these unfoldments as the Heart-opening experience they are intended to be.
Keep it simple; remember who you are! Our true power is experienced as ONE unified Divine HUman field of LoveLight. Join us on SUNday September 10 for Global Unity Meditations at 8:11amPT, 11:11amPT and 5:11pmPT. We meditate for peace, amplification of LoveLight and the highest interests of our Divine Ascension for 33 minutes. Details and a free guided Christ Light activation meditation can be found HERE.
I send all of you blessings and gratitude for your Service to the Light!
In Love, Light and Service,
“Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations,” by Sandra Walter, September 8, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution