Begins Sunday, September 17
Dedicate yourself as a sacred conduit to transmit and radiate the codes of unification to evolving Humanity.
Beloved Family,
By divine directive and in response to mounting global crisis, I am pleased to announce that Children of the Sun Foundation is re-launching its mission in sacred activism and world service.
Our highest purpose is to empower humanity’s consciousness shift through mass scale energy transference.
As a worldwide spiritual network, our greatest strength is the ability to transmit highly transforming energy through the planetary Crystalline Grid and its pathways of light. This worldwide web of energy transfer enables us to reach the higher consciousness of people and life everywhere.
Serving as the human portals and extensions of this powerful crystalline system, we are once again called into action to help direct tremendous amounts of intentional energy to emergent world need.
This all launches Sunday, September 17, through the “Oneness Transmissions”.
This unified activity delivers focused acts of energy transference, uniting and linking our awakened consciousness to become one highly tuned vibrational field and sacred conduit for divine intervention.
Through the Oneness Transmissions, we deliver outstanding humanitarian service, right from our homes!
I hope that you will be inspired to join our Transmission Team and add your presence of light to this highly influential team endeavor.
It’s going to be super powerful to help bring crucial stabilization to rising energies.
Children of the Sun Foundation
The Oneness Transmissions transfer the Codes of Unity to accelerate and stabilize the Awakening of Human Consciousness
It is through the extraordinary power of collective intention that we are directing our group influence to help transform world consciousness through the planetary unity grid of light.
Together, we focus our collective intention with the Crystalline Grid, and transmit our self-actualized codes of accomplishment to trigger greater levels of mass awakening, plus give needed stability to situations of global crisis.
* We are helping to advance the human race into evolved levels of coherently connected consciousness and highest human potential.
* We are building a massive communications and creation network connecting the higher consciousness of humans worldwide.
* We are transmitting the energies of transformation and spiritual awakening to all people, world systems and planetary structure.
* We are creating a massive support system and vehicle of stabilization during personal transformation and the planet’s restructuring process.
We are using the planetary Crystalline Grid System as our vehicle of energy transfer.
“Crystalline Grid” is the term used to describe the complex grid-like pathway or matrix of high-frequency energy that is part of the Earth’s energetic architecture.
This grid of light is encoded with the divine design for humanity’s transition into a highly advanced multidimensional interface.
This upgrade evolves the race from separation and conflict and into the non-polarized, timeless dimensions of universal principle, where totality and oneness are the reflection.
This new morphogenetic field is gradually replacing the current, time coded Earth hologram from which the human race has maintained its connection, and adherence to a timeline of duality and extreme suffering.
The Crystalline Grid is a bridge, linking us back to our Source… and to the coherence of the unified field.
The Oneness Transmissions
Begins Sunday, September 17th
Our Unified Focus:
Assisting Humanity through the Dark Night of the Soul