What a remarkable conjuncture of events this month, as many have referred to in their columns. Truly a convergence.
The Divine Mother discusses a heart opening for humanity, a fourth-chakra enlightenment experience. That’s huge news in my eyes.
Magenta Pixie talks about a rise in frequency and “an en masse anointing” at the Solar Eclipse (see video).
The 30th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence occurs in the middle of the Emerald Gateway.
Whatever the lunar eclipse and the Lion’s Gate contributed I know not.
Now Sheldan Nidle tells us to expect the Reval before the Solar Eclipse.
The Divine Mother said on AHWAA this week that she doesn’t need a Solar Eclipse to calibrate to. She can cause events whenever she wishes.
But she also intimated that the explosive heart opening she described was close.
Life went from a rather quiet summer to the world series of spirituality in just a few weeks.
All of this is happening more or less simultaneously or at least sequentially.
The Divine Mother’s has explained that she’s not bound by dates. Nevertheless, the convergence of events carries a great deal of symbolism, as Magenta Pixie suggests in another of her videos. (1) Or maybe that’s the journalist in me, who sees what would make a great story, to be told to future generations.
If the Company of Heaven doesn’t make full use of it at least for the sake of its symbolism, I’ll be surprised. No. Speaking from a journalistic perspective, disappointed!
(1) “Mermaids of Mu, Neptune and the Cosmic Trine (Total Solar Eclipse – 21st August 2017,” at httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJke8kvd-3A