Wednesday, August 16th, and Thursday, August 17th, we commemorate visionary, José Arguelles, and everyone who attended the Harmonic Convergence on Aug. 16-17, 1987. It proclaimed a new evolutionary cycle, about to begin on Earth.
Back in 1987, Jose initiated a globally-synchronized event, in pre-internet days, for many to gather together in prayer, meditation, to celebrate the coming transformation of Earth.
What an extraordinary man, and such a beautiful way, to describe humanity coming to balance in harmony and unity, forgiveness and gratitude, peace and Love, convergence, creating the New.
The Council of Love through channel, Linda Dillon, calls this our Nova Earth.
Here at the Golden Age of Gaia,
we invite each of you
at 8PM, August 16th and 17th,
— for 15 minutes —
to hold your highest vision
for our Nova Earth
with Gaia, our Gaian community,
and the Higher Realms.