Here we are as a team, on the 30th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence no less, needing to approach you in any way we can to assist us to make it to the Reval.
We don’t know when that will be. There are rumors.
We’re as impatient as anyone and we’ve gone as far as we feel we can in asking the Divine Mother and Michael for dates.
In fact we know that they want us to be in this situation to demonstrate a way here as much as we’ve tried to demonstrate ways in other areas – transparency, integrity, responsibility, patience.
This is exactly the time when we could lapse into self-importance and self-servingness.
Beating the drum, playing ourselves up, raising our profile, that kind of thing.
But I haven’t the inclination to do that.
I’ve discussed some of my spiritual experiences in spite of saying to myself, “This’ll earn you a charge of self-importance.”
For instance, I talked about the heart opening endlessly, trying to get it right, trying to fully express it. On and on I went about it. Was I just saying what a good boy am I?
Soon every one of us will have had the same fourth-chakra enlightenment experience I did, in the form of a massive, explosive heart opening, according to the Divine Mother in this week’s AHWAA. (1)
As an aside, brace yourself when it happens and just surrender to it. Remind yourself:
“Any spiritual experience I’m having at this moment has to have come from the Divine Mother. Lead, kindly Light.”
Afterwards you’ll know why I talked about it endlessly. A massive explosion of whatever blocks our hearts, followed by a torrent of love (a tsunami of love) that sweeps away all sorrow, all regret, everything that holds us down….
Anyone who had had that experience would talk about it endlessly.
Soon billions will know! Thank you, Mother!!!!
I’m afraid I’m so far past my heart opening now that my heart is not as open as it was. I’m not able to reach love at this moment, not that kind of love.
I’m too stressed right now, so much is occurring.
I have my sense of humor left. And perhaps let me speak from that, if you will. It may prove a gateway to love.
You remember the joke about God sending a helicopter, a speedboat and a guy with a rope to rescue a man stranded on his rooftop in a flood? The man sent them all away saying, “God will help me.” And God parted the curtain and said to him, “Did I not send you a helicopter, a boat, and a man with a rope?”
Lovingly spoken, you are our helicopter.
From a place of love, I ask you to look into your hearts and see if you want to be part of this particular “donor economy.” No matter how much.
If you will, I humbly request that you take out a voluntary subscription (the blog and books remain free) to assist us to make it to the end. And the beginning.
(1) “AHWAA: The Divine Mother Describes a Mass Heart Opening for the Planet,” at
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