Join in this time of excitement and embrace of the beauty of nature. Infuse the violet flame in every aspect of our cosmic beingness.
Saturday Conference Call, August 5, 2017
Thanks to Mare for the transcript.
To listen to the audio, click here. The meditation is 6:23.
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So, let’s begin this beautiful day, this beautiful sunny day and regardless if it’s pouring rain or wintery cold wherever you are, feel yourself in a beautiful summer day, in a clear blue sky, some white puffy clouds.
And feel the energy of our beloved St. Germaine, the Master and Keeper of the I AM Presence, of the Violet Flame.
Feel as if he is knocking at your door and beckoning you outside.
And you’re going outside and you’re looking up at the sky with him and your immediate sky, right over your head, way up to the horizon, to that big blue ceiling, is absolutely filled with purple balloons and with gigantic orb bubbles that are glinting lavender and lilac and silver and purple and violet, that the sky is filled with potential.
And feel the joy of just glancing up, of being with your beloved friend, St. Germaine…in so many ways our buddies from past times.
Feel the giggle, yes, you know the sense of awe and wonder that this wonderful master, magician, alchemist, has filled the sky for you. But feel the giggle, that sense of excitement, like your child, your beautiful innocent child looking up at a sky that’s filled with purple balloons, the color of summer purple popsicles and bubbles that are glinting violet and lavender and silver and violet. Let that giggle bubble up to the surface.
Feel the smile that’s not only coming on your face, but in your heart and in your tummy. We know that things are right with the world, that things are right with us, that we’re in alignment. When we have that smile in our tummy it’s one of our clearest, surest signs that we’re on track.
So, feel yourself running out into the yard or the street or the field or the meadow and just chasing these balloons and bubbles with St. Germaine.
He’s inviting you, taking your hand and asking you to come and play, to let go of the confusion, of what we observe as mayhem or chaos, and just come and play. Allow yourself the absolute giggly glee, to be the child and adult again, to be the boy and girl, and man and woman again.
And throw back your head with a smile and let some of those bubbles drift down and pop on your face and your hair, in the palm of your hand, and receive the joy.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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