This is an excerpt from Morphogenesis
Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness
Through light body activation, you can recreate your habits to always be serving and upgrading the biological form.
To activate the body of light means that you are building awareness of the higher dimensions, and yourself, as you exist in them. As your luminous template comes online, your consciousness can utilize many more channels of creation, to fulfill your highest desires from a place of unlimited potential.
You will be inspired with constant vision and intuition that mirrors your highest creative expression. This causes an eventual shift into an entirely new field of resonance. You will also begin affecting the transformation of others through your energetic presence. No matter what your work is, your activated luminous nature becomes a vehicle of great stimulation for others with whom you are intimately connected.
Let’s explore this simple way of activating the light-encoded body.
It is widely accepted that crystals hold whatever pattern we put into it, and then broadcast that pattern out. Our thoughts are energy patterns. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts can be changed into more harmonic forms.
Thus, the power of positive affirmation, working in tandem with your crystal body, can provide remarkable results. By encoding new habits of thought, right into your physical body, your entire vibrational resonance has the potential to recalibrate into upgraded levels of intelligence and have greater capacity to love.
This can most definitely alleviate many years of trying to process and release negative subconscious patterning!
We can program the crystalline frequency into all of our body’s fluids. The late Dr. Masaru Emoto, researcher and author of Hidden Messages in Water, has given us tangible evidence that words can significantly affect and influence irrefutably the properties of water. Dr. Emoto has shown that beautiful words and music produce beautiful crystals, and that from mean-spirited, negative words, malformed and distorted crystals are formed.
He claimed that water takes on the quality of the energies and thoughts that it is exposed to. With our bodies comprised of so much water, imagine what our harmonious thoughts can do to restructure our body’s fluids into a more harmonic resonant state!
If you are feeling inspired to try this out, I have created a complimentary program called Affirmations of Empowerment that delivers new and inspired affirmations to your inbox each week for 6 months. More details at: httpss://
Tiara Kumara
I AM Avatar