Embrace the Gold of Joy
Join in this beautiful meditation into the 13th Octave of frequency in the heart of the One.
Saturday Conference Call July 15, 2017
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So, let’s begin by holding hands from California to Seattle, to British Columbia, to Winnipeg and Calgary, to Oklahoma and Texas, across the mid-west, the great plains, to the tiny hamlets of the northeast and the southeast to Port St. Lucie, down to Central and South America, out into the Islands, across to Europe and Asia, and particular holding tight those members of our beloved family, or in the war torn areas in the Middle East, of Syria, of Turkey, Afghanistan, of Yemen and Qatar, down to Australia, New Zealand, down to Antarctica.
Feel our hands and our hearts linking, connecting like the real grid, like the real world-wide-web. And each of us is a point of light and a point of love on this beautiful golden grid of our beloved Archangel Gabrielle.
Now, relax, sink into your chair and give yourself this gift, and give all of the planet this gift of being fully present…fully detached from all the busyness and truly attached to our truth and who we are.
And let’s take a nice deep breath of gold, the gold of Gabrielle, of Gabriel, the gold of the grid, the gold of the Great Central Sun, the gold of joy, the gold of Yahweh and Sanat Kumara. Feel yourself inside and out simply breathing in and being covered and filled with every shade of gold that you can imagine…from sunflowers to buttercups, to gold finches to wild canaries, to the golden eyes of the eagle, to old gold and rose gold and molten gold.
Bring it in and open your crown and open your hearts. My beloved circle, my friends, my loveholders, we are joined in this service to the Mother.
I am Hussian and I am Pleiadean, Atlantean, Lemurian, but mostly I choose and I invite you to choose your essential self, which is angelic and a servant, a son and a daughter of the Mother, of the Father, of the One.
And here we are, in the now, in the fulfillment of our Mother’s Dream. And we’re here because we choose to be, that we have been persistent and consistent. We have practiced fortitude and we continue to, but we embrace the joy in the littlest things and the biggest things. We choose to love our life and who we are, not just our divine selves but our very human selves.
Go to the tri-flame of your sweet heart: to the Blue Diamond of the Mother and the Golden Diamond of the Father…these qualities that each and every one of us has carried infinitely and eternally…and come to the center of your Pink Diamond, the beauty, truth, and the purity of who you are. Take a minute and really feel it…and breathe that pink.
Today we sink into the full knowingness of who we are and we let go, we surrender, and we eliminate the ideas, the false ideas, the beliefs, the illusions, the distractions of those constructs of who we might think who we are or who we have been.
So, let go, let go of the small things…I don’t like my hips; my hair is thinning; I’m aging…to the bigger things…I have betrayed; I have created war; I have watched planets annihilated…let go of all of it, just see it as a fast rushing river and it’s going past you really fast.
Let it go and sink in, sink to the bottom of your heart, to your soul space and into the knowingness, into your divine authority of who you really are. Breathe it in, relax, bring down those shoulders, relax your jaw, open your lips slightly – no tension, just truth.
You’re magnificent and you are of the One. Feel it. It might be a flutter of your heart, a slight feeling of overwhelm as you admit to you the magnitude of your being. Let it come – all aspects, all pieces, but also your essential, eternal self.
This is what we are going to take hand in hand, heart in heart to the 13th Octave. This is how, today and every day, we choose to present ourselves in that sacred divine union, that process of going home to our beloved parents.
So, with both your hands securely attached to the circle, feel James come – or your beloved guardians – as they lead the way, your special pathway, your special process of beginning this journey to the 13th Octave…
Click…and see yourself being greeted by Yeshua and the Magdalena and going into your sacred temple, your sacred space. Feel that sense of home and who’s there waiting for you and helping you always and in every single imaginable way.
But you’re anxious, so feel yourself exiting your beautiful, beautiful temple, knowing how often you return here to do your work.
Feel Yeshua guiding you into the arms of Archangel Gabrielle as she is lifting you up as if you’re a baby, holding you against her heart, furling her wings, those magnificent, mighty wings around you as we go up the sacred spiral, that golden spiral of light.
Click…and here we are at the foot of the throne in the fullness and knowingness of your totality, in the claiming – joyfully – of who you are. It’s like you’re coming home and you’re saying, “Look Mom, I did it…I get it, I’m here.”
And Gabrielle is passing you to the Father and you feel that warmth and strength and protection and wisdom. And the Father is passing you to the Mother and you feel that gentle strength, that infinite wisdom and that total knowing of who you are. You don’t come home this day for refuge, you come home for reunion.
And with that, feel the Mother tucking you into Her heart…Click…and joining with the Father and you are a trinity, you are home…and in this union and reunion you share and you gather greater strength, greater wisdom, greater understanding…determination that is born with the understanding of the ease and grace of the Dream of the Mother, the fulfillment of Her Plan. Absorb it.
Now, with the fourth click you are going to come back to Gaia, to where you’re sitting, bringing all of that back into your current body and our current now…Click…and allow.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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