The Purpose of Universal Law: Balance
July 7, 2017
During the past week, Steve has been focusing us on the extreme gender inequality still present on this planet.
The posts are horrific. To think that as a society we allow these atrocities to continue shows we’re not as advanced as we think.
At this time of Ascension on Earth, the Mother has gifted us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, with thirteen Universal Laws.
Universal Law explains very simply how things work in the higher realms. Studying and practicing these wonderful Divine Laws — Laws of Love — are a way to balance, within and without.
Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos is the Keeper of Universal Law, and in 2013, SK, the Mother and the Buddha explained these Laws to us through Linda Dillon.
The Law of Sacred Purpose teaches us that we each have Divine Sacred Purpose, and that our purpose can be joyfully uncovered, discovered, as we let go the old ways of entrenched beliefs, false grids, and understand our core issues.
The Law of Intent reminds us to remember and bring to right alignment — balance — all thoughts, emotions, and actions every moment of every day, to be the kind, loving, unitive beings that we truly are.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance teaches us that what we are holding within can be reflected in our external reality. Subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, false grids, and mental emotional constructs, core issues re-create realities not of love. As within, so without.
With awareness of old ways of being and understanding of the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, we balance and our planet comes to balance creating Nova Being and Nova Earth. Love propagates Love.
The Law of Change reminds us that everything is in a constant state of change — the Eternal Flow — that we can let go of the old ways more easily from our center, in balance, understanding and knowing the Mother’s Constant Flow of Love, never-changing yet ever-changing.
The Law of Give and Receive states that as we give we must receive. That is the Law.
The Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us to attach to the highest vision for All. When we attach to ‘information gathering,’ then detach from everything not of love, and re-attach to the highest vision for the being, the situation, and everything, we create the New.
The Law of Unification, Unity illustrates that in the center, in balance, where all are Loved equally, there is no hierarchy, control, oppression. There is brotherhood, sisterhood, heart connection, community, family. We are One.
The Law of Transmutation is a way for us to transmute, change, old ways of being, situations, back to original purity. We find at the kernel of everything is Love.
The Law of Instantaneous Transmission reminds us that our subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, false grids, mental emotional constructs, and core issues are what hold us back from our creations being instantaneous.
The Law of Dispensation teaches us that the Mother forgives absolutely everything and that we also can be this constant state of forgiveness and forgiving that She is. Apologies and forgiveness are a way to create Nova Being and Nova Earth.
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion teaches us we can attract everything of Love — our core is Love, Love attracts Love — and repulse everything that is not of love.
The Law of Elimination is one to study carefully and use for extreme situations of gender inequality, hatred, racism, bigotry, control, greed, lack, limitation, pollution, radiation, war, and the toxins, the disease, the chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air and foul our oceans. We’re eliminating man-made, human creations not of love where there is no kernel of Love at the core.
The Law of Completion and Continuity explains that as we complete levels of learning, there is completion, but that there is always more, that we are Infinite and Eternal.
Universal Law invocations are a way to balance everything, a way to co-create Nova Earth with the higher realms.
We can call on, invoke, Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, for help with any troubling situation, personal or global. This is his Divine Sacred Purpose.
Here is an example of an invocation for balance:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below,
Within and Without, Balance for _____________________________.
Thank you to everyone participating
in this week of gender inequality.
May we let go of everything that is not of love
finding balance as we co-create our Nova Earth.
I invite everyone to continue 8minutes at 8PM,
the highest vision for gentle, kind
tender, nurturing peace and Love.