Folks, there may be articles this week that you just don’t want to read.
Given that we’re all lightworkers, can we have a mature discussion of what to do in that case?
The Divine Mother has said that we’ll know what our missions are because taking action along the pathway in question will bring us bliss.
By the same token, isn’t it a fair guess to say that, if we’re repelled by a topic, it’s probably not our mission? Our mission lies elsewhere and there’s nothing wrong with that.
So please don’t read the articles that repel you.
That having been said, there are others for whom gender equality is a burning issue and a sacred mission.
Some of them may only need their spark of righteous indignation ignited to recognize this as their mission.
Others may have been at work in the field for ages but need to see a more general recognition by the public of the problem to feel inspired enough to take it further.
The articles posted on Gender Equality Week are meant for them.
If you don’t want to see violence on the blog, don’t read the articles for the rest of the week. Please, go on vacation from the blog. There’s a long list of lightworker blogs in the lefthand column.
But don’t feel bad about it either. We all have our work to do in building Nova Earth. Gender equality is mine. Yours may be different. It takes the work of all of us to make up the tapestry of Nova Earth.
The old paradigm was disrespecting what we didn’t agree with; the new paradigm is allowing all sincere viewpoints to co-exist while being responsible for our reaction.
The people looking at articles on the abuse of women today and taking up this work will be producing the positive articles of tomorrow. We’ll all of us weep when we read them.
Like firefighters, paramedics, streetworkers, etc., they’re handling society’s misery. Don’t make it a thankless task simply because it isn’t ours.