Voice of Freedom.ca, May 11th, httpss://tinyurl.com/y8susb3j
Inviting everyone, 9PM Sunday nights, to join Archangel Michael’s Plea For Peace Now Meditation.
Recently the Mother asked us to pray for the women and children of Iran and Iraq. Archangel Michael says in his meditation:
“Those, especially where war has become a way of life are tired, and they pray.
“They pray to all the various faces of Mother/Father One / God in their own interpretation, but let me be clear they are all praying for peace.
“And you and I, my beloved friends, I don’t enlist you, but I plead with you, let us come together, and do this.
“It does not need to take nations making decisions. It does not need to take decades or years.
“What it takes is you claiming your creator self in sacred union with us, and deciding right now, ‘Enough.’”
Enough of the war within that creates the war without.
In Archangel Michael’s Meditation, Plea For Peace Now, we are allowing his Blue Breath of Peace, of Truth, to pass into us, joining with our tri-flames for clarity, expansion, and anchoring.
Nova Being and Nova Earth are created with our clarity of mind, emotion, action, gentleness and kindness within and without.
Thank you for remembering — 9PM Sundays
When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.
Archangel Michael
Think about what I say.
Love feeds and grows Love.
It is the essence of All,
and the more it is fed and nurtured,
the greater it grows.
Divine Mother