Thank you, Mother, for your gentle Tsunami of Love. I have to say I’ve been basking in your Love for more than 8 minutes everyday.
Your Love vibrations filled me and started me on a line of questioning that led to the discovery and greater understanding of some deep core issues.
Friday morning I awoke feeling uncomfortable. I sat and pondered and questioned and justified and got mad and so much more. . . for hours.
Around noon I pulled Tarot cards and asked if there were false grids and core issues involved, that I was just not getting.
The answer, “Yes, core issues of sorrow and failure.”
Patterns of behaviour popped out in full view from past events in this lifetime with subconscious/unconscious words running, illustrating a lack of self-love, lack of self-worth.
It’s impossible to be the Love of the Mother with core issues of sorrow and failure, and subconscious/unconscious repeating thoughts of “Love is punishing” and “sex is shame.”
These two deep issues — now at the surface, in my line of view — at first made me mad.
How could they be running so long without me fully recognizing or understanding them?
Why did I allow this discomfort to go on for so long?
Now I am gratitude.
Thank you, St. Germaine, my guides, my circle,
perfect Divine Timing for me to see these old issues.
As Universal Mother Mary says:
“What we have been doing is blending and blurring your conscious/subconscious/unconscious.
“So things that have been previously heretofore buried perhaps in your unconscious or conscious minds are coming to the surface and being seen, acknowledged – dealt with! – as a conscious being, because your need for these, artificial really, separations is gone.
“You are consciously, as a supreme being, fully aware of who you are and what’s going on within!
“That is good news, sweet ones!” (1)
The Mother’s Gifts of Clarity and Purity are wondrous in their intensity.
Getting the words, I can expel these old core issues with help from St. Germaine, my will, my breath, and my Divine Authority, knowing they are not real.
Sorrow and failure were sitting in my throat, ‘choking me with fear’.
With St. Germaine’s help, I felt my throat clog with sorrow to be coughed out, and then felt a burning sensation, failure, dropping from my throat to my solar plexus, to be expelled with my breath, my will, out through my solar plexus. (2)
The Mother’s Grace, beauty, wholeness, oneness anchors more fully within me, along with Her Wonder and Awe, the miracle of the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the thrill of knowing there is always more to learn, to experience, to understand.
The Mother’s Tsunami of Love is filled with gifts. Love in every moment gently penetrates every thought, every feeling, every action, the expansion of clarity, purity, grace, wonder and awe.
Every prayer, call-out, invocation is heard and answered.
Alignment with the Mother’s Law, Her Plan is our service.
If Love is everything, then everything we do, no matter what, even if it is not in right alignment, is forgiven.
Divine Alignment with the Mother’s Plan and Her Laws is Nova Being, Nova Earth, Nova Peace.
An Invocation
I invoke Universal Mother Mary and Your Gifts of Clarity, Purity, Grace, Wonder and Awe for Divine Alignment with Your Plan, Your Laws, Nova Being, Nova Earth, Nova Peace.
Thank you, Mother,
and enormous gratitude
to everyone participating
in this Week of Love:
The Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love
(1) “Video and Transcript: Universal Mother Mary’s Mother’s Day 2017 Message: Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love,” May 14, 2017, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/14/video-universal-mother-marys-mothers-day-2017-message-moms-gift-to-us/
(2) With help from St. Germaine and our Divine Authority, core issues, mental emotional constructs, are expelled with our will, (for example by coughing or breathing out powerfully).
False Grids and Core Issues: How To Know Them
False grids, entrenched beliefs, are lifted by Archangel Michael.
“Now we call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, to come forth in this moment to the collective and to each and every one of us, and with his sword and shield and his blue flame of Truth, to lift this false grid from you, to eliminate it right now.
“Allow it and let him and let go. And for some of you it may feel the weight is lifting or it is simply dissolving into a million sparkles. Let it be what it is.
“Let go. And breathe. Breathe blue. Breathe pink. Breathe gold and see how your chest is free to expand.”
Always finish with gratitude to whoever has been assisting, and also to Archangel Gabrielle who fills us with her golden healing, her joy.
“So let us ask Archangel Gabrielle, our beautiful Lily of Love, our Trumpet of Truth, to come with her molten gold and to simply reseal, to heal, to re-grid, any spot that you have noticed – and even those you haven’t – let’s ask her to come in at this moment and polish up and reseal and assist us in the forever maintenance of our beautiful grid, so that as we join grid to grid to grid upon the grid of Gaia and the universe, that we are able to give and to receive, to transmit fully.
“We don’t want any broken links in our grid. So breathe gold.
“Until each and everyone of us on Gaia has simply allowed these illusions, this hologram, to disappear. And give thanks to Michael and Gabrielle and let yourself be.”
Archangel Michael discusses ‘False Grids’ and how to eliminate them