Voice of Freedom.ca, May 27th, 2017 www.voiceoffreedom.ca/meditation-for-gentle-rain/
Here’s a call out to meditate at 15:15 (3:15PM) Saturday, Gentle Rain of Love with Uriel, for all drought on Gaia – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – focusing on judgment and other forms of cruelty, within and without.
How do we claim our divinity and Divine Authority rather than false grids, entrenched beliefs, fears, and judgements?
Archangel Uriel asks us to allow what has always been within us to illuminate our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, Who We Are, our plan. He wants us to remove obstacles with his Silver Flame.
Here he describes the gentleness and yet strength of that spiritual ray:
“The Silver Flame is gentle and brilliant. I call it ‘luminous’ because it is the Flame of Illumination. …
“I, sweet ones, am gentle. That does not mean a lack of strength; quite the contrary. You and we are beyond strong, and when you are in the strength of purpose and knowing and alignment, what happens? It allows you, it requires you, it brings forth gentleness.” (1)
He encourages us with our weekly Gentle Rain of Love Meditation to illuminate ‘our dark corners,’ with His silver bubble and Flame:
“The Silver Flame is … to bring illumination not only to the planet, not only to human beings, but wherever there is darkness, shadows, uncertainty – and my beloveds, I mean that in the various corners of your heart and your life.
“Most of you – and I would almost wish to say ‘all of you’ – have corners or nooks or crannies that while you would not identify it as darkness – and neither would we, by the way – there are areas of your life that you perhaps have ignored or that you avoid or that you don’t want to revisit.
“What I offer you from the depth of my being is my Silver Flame of Illumination to go and to bring the gentle silver light to these areas, to these parts of yourself or to parts of these situations – which is truly just part of yourself – that you may have avoided or simply not wished to look at.”
How do we do this? Uriel makes it easy for us:
“You say to me, ‘Well, Uriel, why are you even suggesting that I do that?’ I am suggesting it, sweet ones, so that you no longer have to give one iota of energy to that area that you are trying not to look at, that everything is an open book to thee. And in that, no energy has to go into concealing.
“I am not suggesting that you need to lay yourself, your life, and every action or inaction you have ever taken out to the public. I am talking about a sacred contract between you and I.
“I am the Archangel of the Future – and the future contains freedom, illumination, enlightenment, so there is no space, there is no room for any sense of hiding. I am not necessarily talking about denial; that is a stronger barrier of not looking, not choosing to explore. But each of you have areas that perhaps you would just prefer to ignore or overlook.”
He offers his help to walk through the areas we’d prefer to overlook.
“Take my hand, as I take yours – use the other hand for the Silver Flame and I will do the same – and together we will wander into these areas so that you may fully understand the beauty of what you have learned, the beauty of how you survived and continued on as brilliant lightworkers and loveholders. Let us show you, with you, not some grand revelation but gently, together, who you really are – because you are phenomenal.” (2)
A way to test if we have ‘hidden’ false grids and core issues is to observe what triggers us in the without. . .
Are we judging a political situation?
Does cruelty to animals affect us deeply?
Are we critical of a family situation?
If we’re judging an ‘external situation’ more than likely, there’s an insidious, internal judgement of self occurring.
Uriel is asking us to pause, look within, destroy in the most positive of ways, bring to awareness, eradicate with help what is not of truth, what is not of love, what is not of enlightenment and illumination. We can do this by calling on Uriel, his Silver Flame, and his Rain of Love. We can also call on Sanat Kumara (Sanat Kumara and Universal Law), and the Divine Mother (the Mother and the resurgence of Her Tsunami).
Many are here to help us. Uriel, SK, Michael, Raphael, Gabrielle, St. Germaine, Jesus, the Magdalena, and the Mother are all here to assist us in overcoming our fears, our addiction to pain. This is part of their mission and purpose.
Recently a new manager at work gave me a nickname I didn’t like. Unloving nicknames hurt us.
Claiming my Divine Authority and with help from another, I asked – and the other asked – that I not be called that.
How did I feel after that? I felt fantastic and walked out of there with the biggest grin on my face.
Divine Authority does not mean we’re doing any of this alone. We can ask for help in claiming our Divine Authority – our divinity. I’m sure the room was full of my supporters.
It also doesn’t mean that we ignore our discomforts, large or small.
And it doesn’t mean that we be hostile. Both the other woman and I made our requests with Love rather than hostility.
Spiritual maturity, in my opinion, lies in knowing we’re divine and aligning with Love.
The future, with the fullness of our individual plans and the Mother’s Plan, is being anchored into this very moment where we breathe in and out.
Uriel with his Silver Flame, his Gentle Rain of Love Meditation Saturday, 15:15, the Mother with Her Tsunami of Love – many are here to help us to claim our Divine Authority, our freedom.
An Invocation
I invoke Uriel and his Silver Flame, the Mother and Her Tsunami of Love, Sanat Kumara and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation and Elimination for the elimination of my false grids and entrenched beliefs, especially all cruelty and all judgement, within and without.
(1) https://counciloflove.com/2017/05/archangel-uriel-divine-authority/
(2) Loc. cit.