We are here, offering you our acknowledgment and gratitude. We are extending our support and encouragement as we remind you again of your personal power and magnificence. We are observing the energy of chaos and intensity that is being offered by the collective consciousness.
Remember, you truly chose to be present during these times. You are here to anchor a new reality; you are here in this dimension to call it forth. You are here in physical form to transmute and transform all the dysfunction that you are witnessing. You are not powerless.
As a divine being of love and light you are truly powerful beyond measure. You are not alone in this endeavor. We want you to realize that there is a network of energy being anchored by you and others who are remembering who they are and why they are here. We understand your concern about the welfare of your loved ones and your beloved planet. That is the passion and the key that is being called forth as you remember who you are and why you are here.
It does not matter your financial situation, your status or your age. You are here to anchor a higher state of consciousness and transform the misqualified/negative emotions and vibrations that are being broadcast by those who are unaware, scared and feeling powerless.
Remember, this reality, this dimension, is energy; it is vibration and frequency. This dimension is created by layers and layers of vibrations offered by all those who are present in this dimension. Every human, every individual, adds their own energy and vibrations to the mix. Most individuals offer their energy from a place of misinformation, misunderstanding and helplessness. You are here at this time to energize, envision and call forth a shift.
We want you to realize you have the support and assistance of your celestial and galactic family. There are more and more individuals awakening each day to their awareness and purpose in this awesome opportunity to transform and uplift the consciousness of an entire planet.
We invite you to step into this awesome awareness and true power of who you are. This is the time. We invite you [to] continue to clear your own personal shadow of repressed emotions. This does not need to be painful or even difficult.
You can lovingly place your focus on any emotional vibration that arises and give that emotion a sound with the intention of shifting and clearing that emotional vibration you have been avoiding, suppressing or even denying. Replace what has been cleared with a higher more coherent emotional vibration; anchor this emotion with sound vibrations. This is the work of a true alchemist.
You are here to transform all misqualified/negative energy that you encounter. Each and every time you consciously clear an aspect of your own personal energy field of misqualified/negative emotions, you are also clearing an aspect of the collective consciousness.
We will continue to share the importance of this daily action and practice. As the true alchemist you can place your focus on any aspect of the collective shadow or dysfunction that you are witnessing in the chaos and offer a sound vibration of that emotional energy. So you can offer a frequency or sound for the distress, the anger/rage, the conflict, the judgment. Once you have expressed this emotion from a place of true transforming power, make sure you call forth with sound and intention an emotional vibration of love, healing forgiveness or grace.
Be the inviter as well. Divine conscious beings of light and love are ever ready to answer your call and request for support and assistance. This is a partnership; non-physical beings of love and light are awaiting your invitation.
You planet is in the process of what you call ascension. The increase in the frequency of the planet, the resonance to which every living thing attunes, is activating and awakening all those who slumber. Your planet is being bathed with increased vibrations from the galactic center. The increase of resonance of the planet, the energy offered by the galactic center, is supporting and assisting your personal work and service.
Realize that you are part of an amazing network of conscious multidimensional beings who know who they are and know the work they came here to do. This network is available to you at all times. You are not alone in your efforts, quite the contrary. The connection to this network is your intention. The doorway or portal is your imagination.
Remember that you are pure energy and where you place your focus is where that energy goes. So focus on connecting to this invisible network of other conscious beings of pure energy. If it assists you, envision or imagine a sacred place to which you go to connect. Create that space or alchemical chamber. See, feel or imagine others of pure energy joining you. Practice this; make this a daily focus. It does not need to take a lot of time in your busy life. Remember, it is the willingness, the intention and allowing.
Imagine, sense or feel yourself joining other conscious beings in this higher realm. Know that you are a significant part of the many millions who are also creating this energy network of love and light. Surround your beloved planet earth. Breathe life into your intention as you focus and offer your own clear vibrations to this amazing field that is being created moment to moment in the higher dimensions.
You are energizing the quantum field of all possibilities with a future that is life sustaining for all. You are seeding this influential energy field with life enhancing realities. Trust your knowing. Trust passion for peace and harmony to be anchored into this realm which will assist in the ascension of consciousness for all. Each and every person who does this dedicated work and service adds to its glorious unfolding.
Remember to shift your own issues and limitations to a place of transformation. Lift them up using all the tools and processes available. Now is the time to truly step into your personal knowing and join others of like mind and heart in their physical or non-physical forms. Together in partnership, create a weaving of light that embraces all humanity in healing love.
Divine beings are awaiting your request; invite their assistance each and every moment. Join other earthwalkers who know how to be present in the limited experience yet connect to the highest possibilities of truth they can call forth and anchor. The celestials celebrate your courage each day for your presence in this limited dimension. You are here, no matter the circumstances that you find yourself experiencing, to transform what you encounter and witness. You are a divine being embodied.
We hold you in deepest gratitude for your willingness to do this work. We are always available to support and assist you. Remember to be the inviter of all beings from the realms of love and light, named or unnamed. Legions of divine beings will come upon your request. Trust this truth.
the ‘team’
©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available