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May 6, 2017, Saturday Conference Call Meditation: Bathe in the Mother’s Infinite Love
Description: Join in this beautiful meditation to center into your Tri-flame and experience the gentle embrace of the Tsunami of Love.
So, let’s begin this beautiful, sunny first Saturday in May…May, the month of our beloved Mother Mary…by embracing and welcoming Her Tsunami of Love. Relax sweet angels. Yes, this may feel intense and you may feel like crying, and if you do let it come and if you feel like giggling and laughing, let it come. This is our circle and we’re here heart to heart, hand to hand…what happens on Saturday Conference Call stays on Saturday Conference Call.
So begin, sink into your chair or wherever you are and sink into your heart, sink into your soul, sink into your tri-flame, sink into the truth of who you are. And feel that tri-flame, that beautiful Blue Diamond of our sacred Mother on the right-hand side burning brightly. And the beautiful golden yellow tri-flame of our beloved Father on the left-hand side glowing and burning brightly. And our sweet Pink Diamond right in the middle surrounded by strength and wisdom, comfort and nurturing, and absolutely everything we need, burning brightly in the middle. And this is the essence and the truth and the beauty of who you are. Make sure they are all even and go deeper.
Come with me, come with the entire Council of Love down to the edge of Jensen Beach, down by the Atlantic Ocean in this beautiful City of Light, this city of restored Atlantis, and the city of healing. It’s a perfect summer day here and the sky is like a blue dome, like Michael’s blue, that royal blue, and they’re only a few puff balls of clouds. And there’s a breeze in the air and the birds are singing. Come along. The Mother has beckoned to us as She renews Her resurgence of the Tsunami of Love, as She bathes us yet again in Her infinite love, in Her infinite presence, in Her infinite nurturing and comfort.
So, whether you are feeling like you need a little TLC and you can just curl up next to Her on a towel, or whether you’re feeling playful like your innocent child and you just want to rush along the shore, jump in the waves, or whether you want a quiet walk leaving your footprints in the sand, it matters not because this is your time, this is your time to be with the Mother.
Take a nice deep breath of that deep Atlantic blue. There’s nothing like it. If you’ve never had the chance to be out in the deep water of the Atlantic and smelling that fresh salt air, think of a deep blue sapphire that’s so clear and wonderful that you can see and it feels like a rippled carpet of love. Breathe in that beautiful blue of our Mother. Breathe in that Atlantic blue and then if you feel like it, temper it to the softest blue of the Caribbean, to the deepest blue of the Pacific, to the deepest blue of the midnight sky…it’s all Her.
I want you to jump in that water. Oh, don’t worry, you can swim. If you want some reassurance grab a surfboard, or a tube, or a rubber ducky, but get in the water. We’re with you and you are safe and you are secure.
Breathe in the Mother’s blue; breathe it in deeply through your nose, as deeply as you possibly can. Expand it and anchor deep within your heart. Bring in the Mother’s Tsunami right now and on your exhale, blow out anything that you want to get rid of…anger or angst, disappointment, despair, lack, or just plain feeling alone and incomplete. So, breathe it in, hold into your heart, and blow it out. Let Her energy cleans you right now.
Again. Feel the fluidity as that beautiful Atlantic water fills you, your pores, your skin, your blood, your lymph, your organs, your bones, and blow out anything that is not of the highest nature, the truth of who you are. Let it go. And just for good measure, one more time, breathe in the Mother’s Tsunami, welcome it, throw your arms wide open right now…and float, float in Her infinite love and Her infinite understanding.
There is nothing that we can think or feel or believe that the Mother doesn’t understand, that the Mother can’t take care of. So, don’t resist, go with Her flow…
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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