False grids are entrenched beliefs. Core issues are mental/emotional constructs.
Our unconscious entrenched beliefs create suffering, pain, aging.
Our unconscious core issues create mental/emotional suffering, within and without.
Over the last couple of years I have been guided to understand the false grids and our core issues using the Tarot.
Angeles Arrien, who wrote The Tarot Handbook, says:
“The Tarot is a symbolic map of consciousness and an ancient book of wisdom that reveals to us visually and symbolically the creative ideas and states of consciousness that appear in multiple existences in all cultures.
“The seventy-eight symbols are portraitures and archetypes of inner and outer experiences that are prevalent within human experience.”
Angeles Arrien’s handbook and the Thoth Tarot Deck, designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris, are the book and the deck of cards I was guided to use to understand my false grids and core issues.
Lady Frieda Harris, the illustrator of the Thoth Tarot Deck, said:
“The Tarot could be described as God’s Picture Book, or it could be likened to a celestial game of chess, the Trumps being the piece to be moved according to the law of their own order over a checkered board of the four elements.”
To become consciously compassionately aware of my beliefs and issues, I developed a consistent schedule of pulling cards daily, questioning and listening to my Divine Guidance, and taking notes.
This is the simple daily routine I was guided to do:
Each morning I entered into my created sacred space.
I shuffled my Tarot deck, and pulled 5 cards placing them face down in a straight line, 5 across.
When I turned them over, the 5 cards, read from left to right, were an illustration of what I had experienced the day before
I would look up the five cards in The Tarot Handbook to learn what each card represented and take notes, and then ask questions of my guidance for greater understanding and knowing.
Talking to our guidance becomes second nature when working with the Tarot.
I learned to ask a lot of questions (out loud) and to ‘know’ from listening.
Understanding the false grids and core issues
helps us remember our wholeness.
I discovered there are 7 false grids and 6 core issues within the Tarot.
The false grids, entrenched beliefs, in the Tarot:
strife (anxiety)
worry (broken trust)
interference (doubt)
Core issues, mental emotional constructs, in the Tarot:
debauch (debauchery)
fear of ruin
fear of failure
fear of defeat
Pulling a 5 card layout daily, patterns of behaviour, begin to emerge.
Taking time to listen is key. Our guidance has much to tell us to help us unlock our patterns of behaviour.
Taking notes helps immensely to see the repeating patterns of past situations and behaviour.
For understanding of the false grids, entrenched beliefs, call on, invoke Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabrielle:
I invoke Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabrielle
for understanding the false grids and healing.
When the false grids are discovered:
Feel them to heal them.
Allow tears to fall,
feel the emotions.
Then sit still quietly while the false grids, entrenched beliefs, are lifted by Archangel Michael.
Archangel Gabrielle with her healing molten gold reseals our grids so we are able to give and receive, transmit fully. Breathe gold.
Allow the false grids to be lifted by Archangel Michael
with enormous gratitude for his assistance.
Breathe Archangel Gabrielle’s gold.
Thank her for the resealing.
For understanding of core issues invoke Archangel Raphael and St. Germaine:
I invoke Archangel Raphael and St. Germaine
for understanding of my core issues.
When core issues become apparent allow the feelings to arise.
Feel them to heal them.
Let the tears fall,
feel the emotions.
Here is an example:
With St. Germaine’s help, upon discovery of 2 core issues, I felt my throat clog with sorrow to be coughed out, and then felt a burning sensation, failure, dropping from my throat to my solar plexus, to be expelled with my breath, my will, out through my solar plexus.
Core issues can be expelled with our Divine Authority, our will.
Archangel Uriel with his Silver Flame helps us with core issues, as well, and with Divine Authority, our will.
Conscious awareness of our wholeness is the transmutation.
Divine Alignment with the Mother’s Plan and Her Laws
is Nova Being, Nova Earth, Nova Love, Peace, Joy.
We are learning to let go of lifetimes, full of difficult experiences, without judgement.
My principal guide told me through Linda Dillon:
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
From the understandings acquired from pulling Tarot cards we can begin to see why repeated patterns of dis-ease occur.
Understanding the false grids and our core issues creates opportunities to be compassion, Love for self, for others.
When we ask for clear understanding
of the false grids and core issues
we are facing our sorrow
and our fears.
With Divine help from Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabrielle’s healing gold, the false grids are lifted and our grids are resealed so we can give and receive, transmit fully.
With assistance from St. Germaine and Archangels Raphael and Uriel, our core issues can be recognized and expelled with our will, Divine Authority.
Asking for help is integral for release from all ways of being that are not of love.
Understanding, clarity, of the false grids and our core issues creates our freedom, and freedom for many, with knowing of the Interconnectedness of All.
When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and love,
then peace will reign.
Archangel Michael