In Somalia close to 3 million people cannot meet their daily food needs.
Over 500,000 people have fled their homes this year alone in search of food, water, and safety.
Acute Watery Diarrhea and Cholera has spread to 11 of 18 regions of the country, with over 18,000 cases reported just this year.
Women are particularly impacted, sometimes forced to walk many kilometres to fetch water. In Somalia women will walk 25 to 50 kilometres on average to fetch water, exposing them to violence and sexual abuse.
Yemen is facing the largest food security crisis in the world with almost 7 million people requiring immediate life-saving assistance and at least 462,000 children suffering severe acute malnutrition.
Conflict has damaged and obstructed water networks and only 45 per cent of the country’s health facilities are functioning.
And in north-east Nigeria, violence has left millions displaced and some 4.7 million people in severe food insecurity – at least 450,000 of them are children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.
Young Halima has trekked for four days and nights in search of water. “We have named this drought Odi Kawayn, which is Somali for “something bigger than the elders,” she said. “None of our elders has ever seen a drought as severe as this one.”
Some 6.2 million people — half of Somalia’s population — need aid to survive, and 2.9 million of these people do not know where their next meal will come from.
Somalia has always been prone to drought, but some parts of the country have not received rain for three consecutive years.
Below is a post saying it rained (!) and how Kenyan farmers are working to protect wetlands.
BUSIA, Kenya, April 19 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Armed with a hoe and Wellington boots, George Wandera planted bamboo seedlings in neatly dug holes along the banks of a stream on his farm that feeds a nearby lake in western Kenya.
“I’ve never tried this on my farm before but it’s the first step in protecting the stream,” he said. “Before the last downpour a few days ago, the water source had completely dried up.”
Large swathes of Kenya – including parts of Busia county where Wandera lives – are experiencing severe water shortages, which have damaged crops and left 2.6 million people in need of aid.
The country’s wetlands too have suffered in the drought, putting at risk communities who depend on them for fishing or irrigation, and who rely on them to act as a buffer from floods and drought.
Here are ways we can help:
Being the Gentle Rain of Love, holding the Breath of Peace, the Blue Flame of Peace, the Blue Flame of Truth, and speaking out loud to the water element, we connect to the All breaking through old barriers of isolation, separation and repression of expression.
Sharing our Love in this way, creates the beauty of harmony in partnership, with the elements and Gaia, and with our human community around the globe.
Will you come with me and will you rain,
in perfect harmony and proportion in California?
Will you come with me and rain,
and create a lush California yet again,
and will you share this bounty all over Gaia?
Joining us at 9PM every night this Global Peace and Love Week for 8 minutes, allowing Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace to pass through us to humanity. . . standing or sitting, it matters not. . . we are opening our hearts like magnificent French doors to receive and surrender to his Blue Breeze of Peace. “When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and love, then peace will reign.” Archangel Michael — Project Peace & Love — We Are One
Continuing ongoing inner clearing — each of us affect the whole — our understanding and knowing of how to hold peace, Love, joy creates miracles of truth within and without.
Sitting quietly, meditating, listening for inspirational Divine guidance.
Mastering our inner climate — becoming more joyful, Loving, gentle and peaceful — helps balance the weather and all situations on Gaia.
An Invocation for the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Drought on Gaia :
I invoke the Mother,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel,
Sanat Kumara, St. Germaine
and the Universal Laws
of Intention, Balance, Change, and Unification
for all drought on Gaia.