[Thanks again to Ellen for this transcription]
St. Germaine ~ Love & Converse With Your Body Daily!
“You are emerging, you are transitioning into what you can think of as a more evolved species, and it is a species with expanded consciousness and expanded physical capacity. It is an evolutionary jump and so, of course, what you are feeding, how you are treating your body – and what your body is asking for and loving you and trying to assist you in – in this jump is essential information.”
Heavenly Blessings, March 14, 2017
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
[Meditation from 10:14 to 17:37]
St. Germaine: Greetings, I Am St. Germaine.
Suzi: Welcome.
StG: And welcome to you, to each and every one of you upon this luxurious planet, this phenomenal planet called Gaia, Terra Gaia, Nova Earth, Nova Being.
And yes, I have asked and so I thank you for allowing me to come and to visit and to discuss, to play and to laugh about your relationship and your function with your physical form. And while there is often… and I am not meaning to dismiss or decry… while there is often attention given to the troubles, the aches, the pains, the dis-ease, the un-ease, all of the maladies of the physical body, that is not really where the fun is. That is not really where the joy is!
Do you know that they have called me – and I say this with the greatest sense of humour – the Wonderman of Europe? [Chuckles] And I often would wonder what the heck they were talking about! But part of this was longevity. Oh yes, it was alchemy as well, and people would often attribute my longevity to alchemy.
And while there is certainly some truth in that, I also held the deepest regard and respect for the physical form that I had created and co-created in tandem with Source and friends. It was exactly the form I wanted. And so, having asked and having put everyone to the task, including myself, of creating this form, I wanted to treasure it. I wanted to – and did – have the full experience of the divine perfection of this form.
Now you know – and you know because we have told you again and again, but you also innately know – that you are patterned on the essence of the Mother. And She has reinforced that again and again, even in your lifetime – first with the gift of Her Blue Diamond energy, and then by reminding you that the patterning of the in-breath and the out-breath is Her pattern; (1) and that the essence of Love and how it exhibits, whether it is of DNA, bones, tissues, organs, matters not because it is all of Love.
So often human beings, Gaians, they look around… and of course you can’t help but see the beauty of Gaia… but they look around and they say, “I want to see a living, breathing example, of the message of Love, the essence of Love of Source/God/One, the many names that you have for Godhead. And what happens is rather than looking in the mirror and rather than simply looking down at oneself, there is a tendency to look externally.
Now, not that there is anything wrong with that, because if you look externallyl, you will see another human being and then you will see the magnificence of the Mother’s creation and essence. Or if you look at a blade of grass, you will see the essence and design of the Mother as well because, yes, even grass breathes. But what often happens – too often – is that you don’t look or acknowledge or recognise your bodies.
And yes, it is true. Whether it is Mi-ka-el or Raphael or Gabrielle or an array of guides or even the Mother Herself, we have been reminding you of the necessity – yes, necessity, and there are very few necessities really when you think about it – but there is the necessity particularly for the fruition, the bringing to completion of this ascension process, of a sacred partnership, a union with your body.
And you say, “Well, St. Germaine, don’t be ridiculous. Of course I am in sacred union with my body!” And I would look at you directly in the eye and I’d say, “Oh, are you? Then what have you done lately for your beautiful body?
Are you in absolute wonder and awe of this form, of what it can do? That it walks and talks, digests, excretes; that you have this magnificent brain; that you are able to create children and bear them? Does the knowing of your body, of your skin, create such a deep sense of amazement that either you are slack-jawed or in a fit of giggles?” Because you should be, my friends!
And with the Mother’s gifts of clarity and purity, are you integrating and deepening that, not only in the functioning and maintenance of your body but in your association, your opinion, your relationship with your body? Are you reverent? Are you reverent of this sacred form that you have been given and that you chose?
In the physical realm of a human life, your body that houses much of your consciousness and yes, your ability to be in form is among the most sacred, profound gifts that you will ever receive in this lifetime. And you say, “Well, St. Germaine, I used to Love my body but I am old or decrepit, or I am 20 and I have MS, or I am 30 and I have diabetes, or I am 40 and I have multiple sclerosis, or I am 50 and I have dementia.” I know the list!
And when these dis-eases have come to the forefront, have you first and foremost relinquished all blame and entered into a supreme state of loving and cherishing and forgiveness? Or have you been disappointed, angry, in despair with your body? Have you chastised it? Have you been angry that it doesn’t function exactly the way you want? Have you treated it like an errant child that does not obey an authoritarian parent?
These are questions that I pose, and if you are in the peak of health – and you should and will be, by the way – do you spend time with your body, loving it? Do you take time every day to listen to your body, to what it is asking of you?
And yes, I have listened to your conversation. What food does it want? What minerals, which are very important at this moment – what minerals does it require? Is there a need because of the pollution of your planet for certain supplements? Have you paid attention to your DNA activations? Have you stretched? Have you slept? Yes, have you done the work that your body has asked you to?
Have you given it a chance to connect with Gaia, because Gaia, the physical aspect of Gaia, is a touchstone for all of your bodies? The human body is substance and form, as is Gaia – the trees, the rocks, the flowers, the dirt. But your body has need to touch and be in association with Gaia – every day!
And you say, “Well, that is not possible,” or as you, Suzanne, “I am in the middle of a blizzard. I don’t think I can really go out.” And this is why you have also by your Star friends been reminded of the earthing mats and products, because they carry the energy that is Star technology. It has been a gift; it has been a gift brought forth by Gaia herself.
And is the food clean? Now I know that there is much [chuckles] lively debate upon your planet – and might I say it is a luxury – about what to eat while many are starving. And that [sigh] is an atrocity. The fact that any beings on this planet starve, let alone go hungry, is not right in any realm. And it does not matter what belief systems you follow or if you choose to write it off as karmic choice. That is a great excuse for human intolerance and not paying attention to the Gaian community, the global community.
But I am diverging. We may come back to that because it is an important area that needs to be discussed. Perhaps on our next show we will do so.
But let me go back to what I was saying. Let me also encourage each and every one of you to send my Violet Flame of the I AM Presence to every person who is in hunger. Yes, we will do it now.
So… there is great debate about what you should feed your bodies. And for some it is very rigorous, for some it is vegetarian, for some it is vegan, for some it is very restricted, for some it is carnivore. It is individually determined. No, [chuckles] not merely by blood type but by soul preference – and body preference – what it is you wish to consume.
There are many agreements in place and it is interesting – and somewhat peculiar – that there is a hierarchy of what many lightworkers decide to eat or not eat. But that is a political debate, [chuckles] and there are many political debates that I have been involved in during my stay upon the planet and this is not one I am interested in engaging in. What I am interested in engaging in is making sure that everybody has enough to eat.
My point about what you are consuming is to become cognizant and conscious of what your body is asking for. And if you are so removed from your association with your form, with your vessel, then ask your guardians.
Listen to your heart, listen to your gut, and do not think of it so much as categories. Think of it also in terms of the rays. What do I need today? Do I need more violet? Well, you always need more violet, my friends! But perhaps you need more red because your life force is not as vibrant as you would like, your energy level.
You are integrating many energies, including the Porlana C at this time. Now, the level of frequencies that are flooding you, and particularly you who are lightworkers and Loveholders, has never been this strong. Never! Not on this planet.
So think of it. You are emerging, you are transitioning into what you can think of as a more evolved species, and it is a species with expanded consciousness and expanded physical capacity. It is an evolutionary jump and so, of course, what you are feeding, how you are treating your body – and what your body is asking for and loving you and trying to assist you in – in this jump is essential information.
So, beloveds – if you are not in that conversation with your body, I am pleading, guiding, directing, begging you to begin.
There were many times, when in form, when I would attend very elaborate banquets and the food was often disgusting, filled with fat – what you might call empty calories! And be clear, I have no qualms about enjoying a sweet delight, a cup of wine or a loaf of bread. But the energy that is put into those things that your body may be asking for has to be made or programmed or filled, or all of the above, with Love.
If it is created – whether it is picked from the ground or baked into bread – if it is done in a sense of oppression, if it is done in a sense of disdain or obligation, then it does not have the Love. And if it does not have the Love, it does not nourish you in the same way. Oh, you may get some compounds that your body needs, but what your body really needs is the Love – is that sacred union.
Now think of this. You say, “Well, St. Germaine, that may have been true in your time because you could go to the fields or the local baker.” You can always, my beloved friends, instill the Love. If you have gone to one of your public supermarkets… and they are rather sterile affairs, are they not?… if you have gone to a place where you are uncertain or unclear, and even if you are clear, a very good practice – a practice that I have always recommended – is to take a moment and instill your food, your drink, your water, your ingredients, your cupboards, your fridge with Love.
I am not averse to the recommendation to put an amethyst or another stone of your choosing in your cupboards, in your fridge, in your larder, in your water – make sure the crystal is large enough that you don’t swallow it – but infuse it. Put your hands around your food and Love it.
You may call it an intention, you may call it a prayer, but really it is simply the transmission of Love. Because what you are saying to the entire Universe is “I am taking this substance that comes directly from Source – from source Gaia and source Source – patterned on the Mother, and I Am bringing it into this sacred vessel that is also patterned on the Mother, and so I want it to be of the highest frequency of Love possible.”
So of course I would recommend the Violet Flame, but I know there are many of you who are very preferential to the Blue Flame or the Emerald [Flame]. Vary it, because, sweet ones, there are days when your body needs the ruby and others when it needs the gold. But create the prayer, send the energy, thank the food, and then thank your body that you are giving it fuel, Love, sustenance. And then, what does your magnificent vessel do with it? It processes it, digests it and keeps you going.
All of your creations of machinery, anything that uses power, is designed… the inspiration has been the human form, the understanding that in order to bring forth energy, it needs fuel. Sometimes that fuel is simply air and water, but in most instances it is also substance.
Make a daily ritual, my friends, to hear and to Love your body, to hear what it is saying to you, what it is offering to you. And if it is saying to you, “Please don’t eat that; please take me for a walk; please let me sit on the ground and look at the sky” – then honour it. Your body is your creation!
As you move into this level of Love association with your body, it will transform. I know because I have done it.
Now, dearest Suzi, where do you wish to begin? I know I have gone on and on!
Suzi: Well, I always appreciate it and you are saying some really wonderful and worthwhile things. A comment – we may see other people, professional dancers and athletes, and we experience joy in the celebration of the human body, that human body, and we disregard the fact that we’re made of the same stuff. At the same time, we are becoming archetypes is what’s occurring to me. We’ve become aligned with organising principles and it’s an interesting journey at this point in terms of what we can create, always for the highest good of all. So both things are true.
StG: You are absolutely correct. And this archetype is the divine perfected physical form. Remember that the Mother created your original form, which got lost along the way, to be a form for angelics to inhabit and play – beautiful! – and that is the circle that is closing. And it is good because, let me tell you, even as I have walked the planet I had great appreciation for others’ physical form, whether it was a dancer or a swordsman or a horseman or a beautiful woman. I enjoyed it.
Now yes, these are inspirations, whether it is a dancer or an athlete or simply someone walking down the street. You see that and you see the beauty of that form, but the reason that it inspires you – if you are not in a state of envy which I would never encourage! – is that you recognise it because that is also within you. So you say, “Oh no, St. Germaine, it is not within me. I have arthritis, I am 50lbs overweight and I can barely jitterbug let alone run a marathon.” That is within you! So you have these externals.
Now, I want to be prudent in what I say about this because it is not about ever punishing your body. It is a fine line; it is the balance the channel talked about. It is finding that balance for you. So it is not about training or contorting your body to an extent that in fact you have abused it. It is making it the most beautiful vessel, the strongest, most vibrant, attractive vessel that you Love, that you are having a Love affair [with]. Yes, the theme that you are in Love with your body! And you, dearest Suzanne, you know because you are getting there.
Suzi: I am. And if by the grace of God and huge Love and support I am able to do so, I am in incredible gratitude for that. I really pray all the time when I’m eating food and when I’m enjoying my supplements that cost money. I pray that everybody gets the help and support that they need to be healthy.
StG: Now we have talked about evolution… and yes, I know that you say that there is a transition, and there most certainly is. But where I am taking you, where your evolutionary jump is taking you, where Nova Earth is taking you, where your Star family is taking you, is to where supplements and adjustments are not necessary.
Suzi: Wow, that’s wonderful. How far away is that?
StG: Not far, not far at all. And as you are paying… and I’m not saying to quit your supplements. So all of you out there listening to me: do not stop your medications or your supplements – you are not quite there yet!
But in the association, the closer association with your body, you will also begin to… and a prayer over your food… you will begin to give your body more of what it needs. And it does change day to day to day, depending on whether the sun is shining or the wind is blowing or whether you ran that marathon or you sit around. It depends on what you need.
But Gaia herself is regenerating. Much of your food has lost its full value in the depletion of the soil.
Suzi: It’s not interesting either… the food.
StG: Yes, the food is another topic that we should discuss. But you are getting there and it is, again, the sacred partnership. Gaia is restoring herself; your Star family is restoring much of your atmosphere, especially your air and water. But human – and Star technology – but human ingenuity is also part of that beautiful restoration and, at the same time, of that evolutionary jump. So you, again… we keep saying that we are in sacred partnership and this is one of the areas.
So many of you have been scratching your heads and thinking, “Now what would be a perfect project for me?” And you think, “Oh, I am going to save the world; I am going to adopt a town, I am going to adopt a village; I am going to create sacred sites.”
Many of you, my friends, are part of the vanguard of assisting in the restoration of balance in terms of soil, in terms of food, in terms of the cleanliness of food and water – and might I even say wine! Yes, no more sulphates… it is my preference! – and to make sure that in fact everybody is fed.
If people do not have sustenance… and I mean food that actually nourishes; I don’t mean those empty foods. Yes, as I said, I can enjoy a delight and I have at times. And if I return to Earth – which I intend to do now that Nova Earth is being born – I will enjoy a delight again. But I will not eat what is disgusting. I will grab the energy from the air and that will satisfy me. So know this.
Suzi: Yeah. So this is an invitation to do our best to get into alignment with our bodies and to be as strong and fluid as possible in order to make the most of all the energy and assistance we’re getting. And I guess that’s just like we do our best – we just do our best and do what’s possible.
StG: And… I would hate to even give the slightest impression that you are not doing your best. If you were not at a juncture where this was appropriate timing for you to do some adjustments in terms of your relationship with form, then we would not be having this [discussion].
The last thing I wish to say though is that it is vitally important not to be discouraged. So often, my beloved friends, my brothers and sisters, my fellow journeyers, you feel like your body has betrayed you, that you have been betrayed or abandoned or that we have forgotten you, that you are stuck in a form that is not really of your choice or decision or your making. You say, “That is all very well and good to talk about saying a prayer, but I can barely get to the stove.”
Beloveds, do not be discouraged if you have any description of malady, of illness or un-ease or dis-ease. I am pleading with you. Yes, there are many keys and help is on the way. But the first step: Love your disease, Love your unease, Love your malady.
You say, “Well, why would I do that? I don’t want it to stay.” Love it so that it no longer has to get your attention and say, “Please pay attention to me.” Love it, Love it, Love it for everything it is showing you and then give it to me. We will torch it. We will send it into the Violet Flame and we will disintegrate it so that you will be like the phoenix rising from the ashes. But first – Love it!
Suzi: Fabulous! Thank you so much for joining us today. As always, it’s been a pleasure.
StG: Let us go together, all of us. Let us go to the roadhouse and share a cup of wine and a loaf of bread. Let us fill it with Love and then perhaps we will sing and dance again together.
Suzi: Yay! I’m in!
StG: You always have been!
Suzi: [Laughter] Thank you.
StG: Go with my Love. Farewell.
Suzi: Farewell.
(1) One of the Mother’s aspects is as Aum/Amen, the Word of God. Aum is a sine wave that calls all worlds into being, holds them for a while, and then transforms them (exactly as ours is being transformed by Ascension).
This sine wave is called “breath” as in spiritus sancti or Holy Breath. The rise and fall of Aum, the in and out breath, I believe, is the patterning that St. Germaine is referring to.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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“Transcript ~ St. Germaine ~ Love & Converse With Your Body Daily! March 14, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at https://inlightuniversal.com/heavenly-blessings-st-germaine-love-the-body/