Kathleen has returned from vacation.
Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos and Keeper of the Universal Law, explains the Universal Law of Give and Receive in terms of the balance of giving and receiving, illustrating the Eternal Flow of the Universe.
The Law holds, as he explains, that “as you give, it is the law that you must receive.” (1)
The Law of Give and Receive helps us understand the flow of the Universe — as we give, we must receive — by which the balance of give and receive is maintained.
We may find it difficult to understand this flow and wonder how it’s possible to be in this state constantly, on a human level.
Give and receive
Receive and give
Constant balance, we discover, can be achieved with understanding and knowing the quality, the ‘science’ of joy, of gratitude, of sacred purpose.
When we open to receive Love, allow and accept Love, and give away — let go all ways of being that are not of love — we find what remains is a constant natural state, sublime joy, gratitude for everything, sacred purpose.
Here is a mantra:
I receive I allow I accept I give I am gratitude
Especially in our darkest hours (our grandest hours), if we can do this — transcend all fear, give away everything not of love, raise our vibrations to gratitude, match our frequency to joy, and be joy — we discover our Divine Sacred Purpose and can create what we truly desire, what our heart desires.
When the power of gratitude, appreciation — joy — reaches a certain strength Who We Truly Are emerges along with our Divine Sacred Purpose.
We can look to Gaia, to Mother Earth, for expansion of our understanding of this.
There is a never-ending flow of energy between Gaia and all the kingdoms, from the human kingdom, to the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, to water to earth to fire to air, and so on.
Gaia gives and gives and gives to all of us.
How is it possible for Gaia to continually do this? What does Gaia receive? How does Gaia balance this never-ending giving?
She balances by receiving — mostly unbeknownst by us — gratitude, joy from the plants that grace her surface and reach their roots deep into her, and from the animals that dance and play their Divine Sacred Purpose.
From a drop of water to a blade of grass, the plant, animal, mineral, fairy, all the kingdoms understand what it is to give gratitude — Love and joy — to Gaia for all they receive from her.
Long ago, we humans understood this, too.
As more and more of us discover this flow of joy by letting go of old ways of being, transcending our anxiety, our worry, our sorrows, and our fears, and understanding the balance of give and receive — gratitude — joy for everything, Who We Truly Are and our Divine Sacred Purpose can emerge.
Anxiety stems from separation; worry is connected to broken trust; and all judgement results in our sorrow and creates our addiction to pain.
With conscious awareness and ability to receive Love, accept Love, allow Love, we can release, give away, all old ways of being and be in the flow, the joy of Divine Sacred Purpose matching the vibration and frequency of nature, and of Gaia, in their Divine Sacred Purpose.
Breathing, inhaling, exhaling, flowing gratitude back and forth —
especially for beloved Gaia who has housed us, fed us, provided air and water, incredible beauty, and so much more —
is a way to naturally become the balance of giving and receiving.
Exhale, give away, let go, old ways of being,
that sense of desperation, of fear, of isolation,
that belief that we are not Loved enough to be taken care of
open to receive the abundance of the Universe
knowing we are in the Eternal flow of joy
constant flow of giving and receiving
gratitude for the gift of life purpose
Exhale Love, peace, joy
Inhale Love, peace, joy
The Abundance of the Universe
We find that the Universal Law of Give and Receive is an extension of the Law of Balance, and works in accordance with the Law of Movement and the Law of Change.
We also discover that all Universal Law expands our understanding of how things work, so we can achieve that balance within the uniqueness of our being — giving and receiving — joy for the gift of life, the self, the heart.
We find we more deeply understand how to work with the Law of Sacred Purpose and how to hold it with the Law of Intent as well.
There are Infinite Gifts of the Mother, gifts of expansion within giving and receiving.
From simply asking for help to receiving the blessing of sharing, to releasing old ways of being to enjoying the lightness of being — from creation work to heart connections — we are remembering our constant state, the quality of joy in all dimensions, all realms, Divine Sacred Purpose.
The Law of Give and Receive helps us understand The Eternal Flow of the Universe — as we give, it is the Law we must receive — the balance of give and receive.
The more we give away the old ways of being, the more Love we can receive.
The more Love we can receive, the more Love we can give.
Love is everything.
Raise our frequency to joy, to gratitude for everything — especially in our darkest moments — discover Divine Sacred Purpose and manifest what we truly desire, what our hearts desire.
An Invocation for the Universal Law of Give and Receive:
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Give and Receive, especially in my darkest moments, with intent for joy, Divine Sacred Purpose, balance in the Eternal Flow.
(1) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Give and Receive, Part 1/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 10, 2013 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-give-and-receive-september-10-2013-part-12/.
The radio show can be found at https://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/09/10/heavenly-blessings
Meditation is at 11:51, Sanat Kumara begins at 28:08