Someone asked me for an introduction to the times, which they could give to their inquiring young child.
That’s a tall order, especially because every generation has a different culture – every decade even.
How would I at my age speak to a child? I’m not sure.
Perhaps I’d say that …
Humans on this planet have had the run of the place for a very long time and, having forgotten the Divine Creator of all, made a pretty big hash of it.
Pollution, radiation, pandemics – the list could go on of the ways we’ve made this planet a place that doesn’t work. For almost anyone.
Many, perhaps most, of the citizens of the planet are tired of this. The planet itself is tired of it, so I’m told. And the Divine Creator of all is happy to oblige by inviting people to come help us, people who have the ability and the wherewithal to change things for the better.
Everyone has seen the “UFOs” and “flying saucers” in the day and night skies. These are visitors from other worlds here on peaceful missions to begin the work of cleaning up the planet, a task well beyond our Earthly means.
We made the mess but we don’t have the power to clean it up. We need the help of our nearest neighbors.
They’re well ahead of us in technology. Our computer, for instance, came from a silicon chip taken from a spacecraft (at Roswell) and back-engineered by an American company (Hughes Aircraft). I personally know about it. (1)
Teflon, kevlar, fiberoptics – another list could be made of useful items we back-engineered from that and other crashed craft.
Now it’s time for the folks themselves to show up and give us more help.
What help is that? Healing technologies. Free energy. Anti-gravity technology. Abundance. How’s that for a start?
They and we will begin cleaning up the planet together, using their technology. Right up there on the command deck. It is, after all, our planet and they’re only here to help, not dictate. It’s we who have the final say.
Pretty exciting stuff.
No, they don’t look like octopuses or Tyrannosaurus Rex. They look like us. They are us.
Humanity was not descended from the apes. Humanity came from star systems like the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, and Sirius. These are our ancestors, our future, and our closest relatives, come for a celebration of life, if you like.
Our history goes back a long, long time, not the few thousands years we’ve been commonly taught. (2) Our ancient history is mostly fable.
There’ll be so much change in the next few months and years. And from it all you’ll feel better in every way, I guarantee it.
When abundance comes, it will radiate outwards in all directions, effecting an end to hungry stomachs and shivering homeless kids.
Hospitals will be open to all, free of charge. Medical care will be denied to no one, as was always meant to be the case.
Things will begin to work the way you’d want them and expect them to. Naturally and normally.
For me, it’ll be a return to a carefree time when I was a child, when you could leave your bike on your best friend’s lawn.
The only thing someone else would do with your bike might be to prop it up so it doesn’t get wet from the sprinkler. I remember those days. That’s where we’re headed. Forward to a better day.
It’s a very exciting time to be a child, I would think, to watch things happen that make kids out of your parents.
Spaceships landing. World leaders joining together. Love abounding.
We’re about to launch ourselves on the adventure of many lifetimes. And you’re welcome to come along. Or not, as you please. You’re also welcome to just sit and watch.
I’m told that all kids have a free pass, whenever they want to use it. (3)
(1) I worked for Hughes as a document configuration-management administrator. A project manager and senior engineer told me about Hughes back-engineering the silicon chip from recovered Roswell technology, which became the heart of the modern computer. Some weather balloon! Some story!
Other gifts from them over the years have been the Looking Glass (google), underground boring machines that melt rock, stealth technology, and spacecraft themselves.
(2) “You are suddenly to learn about … why you first came here some 900,000 years ago. Lost memories are to be recovered and explained.” (The Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, March 7, 2017, at
(3) Steve Beckow: Two questions on children. I’m under the impression that children below a certain age are regarded as innocent and will automatically ascend with their parents. Is that a true statement?
Archangel Michael: Yes. Most children are of pure heart. They are of love. And that is particularly true of the children that have come in in the last 20 years. That is why so many of them are completely disillusioned and feel disenfranchised. They don’t understand what on earth they are doing here and how they got here. Because they still have that core of innocence and of love. There may be some confusion, but they are still in that state of innocence. They are like little cherubs. … So, under eleven.
SB: Under eleven. Okay. Will children who appear not to understand ascension or issues dealing with ascension still ascend?
AAM: Yes. The issue isn’t intellectual. It is a heart decision. It is a heart knowing. Each of you on Earth have had situations where your guide or guardian angel has nudged you and you say, I’d better get out of here, this doesn’t feel right. And so you leave a place where, perhaps, danger is lurking. That is the sensation many of the children will have: “I don’t think I’m going to stay here; I think I’m going to go.” And it will be that simple. (“Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 3/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at