Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
I had the honor of speaking at the Conscious Media festival in Austin, Texas last weekend. Festival Creator Giselle Koy launched a brilliant platform with this inaugural event. It was wonderful to witness the emergence of a new tribe of truly heart-based beings focused on manifesting conscious content through various creative mediums.
The topic was Pure Creativity, and we shared some Mastery practices which would assist creatives as the energies shift to support our service work. I promised to share my notes here, and there is also a facebook live version of the talk shared on my facebook page.
Mastery Practices for Pure Creativity
Maintain the multidimensional perspective: We are witnessing and creating our transformation simultaneously.
Highest Intent
Honor your personal path of Mastery in thought, word, action and intent.
Write your Highest Intention statement, say it aloud as an invocation, as your Highest Self. Go BIG with your intentions. Align them with the Global, Galactic, Universal intent to amplify the timelines of Divine LoveLight.
Every creation begins with an intention. If you don’t consciously set your intentions, you are probably creating someone else’s intention via your subconscious mind or emotional fields. Say your intentions out loud to set the energy into creation.
At this point in the timeline acceleration, everyone who works from pure intention, in alignment with the highest good of all, is greatly amplified. We are receiving new templates of Self to align us with the new energies; engagement with this level of awakening and Ascension is key. Your heart can generate pure magnetics of creation if you align with highest intent.
Intend to be the kind of Creator people can trust.
Redirect your thoughts about possibility
Go boundless; fearless but not reckless. Redirecting the mind takes practice until the brain, heart and energy fields are rewired. What is the coolest, clearest thing you can create to assist? Focus on the higher light, bypass the lower interference.
Surrender to Divine Service
Put your faith in the Mission of Divine Love. Go all-in, 24/7. It gets easier after you surrender your fears about trust and risk. When you hit that level of faith in yourself and Source, nothing makes sense except service. Then pure creativity can work through you.
We have your back. Divine LoveLight has your back. The Tribe has your back.
Align with Divine Self-Realization
Align with the calm, centered state of the infinite. The more you know, the more you interact with Higher Beings, the more humble, confident and authentic you become. Breathe, meditate, knowing you are a fractal of the Creator. Stay vulnerable and on point.
Having access to pure creation dynamics, the True Self, is innocence and wisdom at once. Be gentle enough to hear intuition, be wise enough to ask questions.
Listen to Divine Will rather than Personal Will
Practice Divine Neutrality about outcomes. Let the Higher Self lead. What is in the highest interests of all concerned? What will truly raise the conversation to a 5D level? Create from a pure 5D perspective of no limits, total prosperity. It changes your energy and thereby your services. All of your creations will encourage the collective to participate in their own path of self-empowerment.
Check the egoic level: The leader-follower vibration is not new paradigm.
We are reeducating the collective for self-empowerment by way of example and expression. Self-empowerment is the hardest thing to teach; Be a reliable Guide.
Be absolutely Present in order to be the Presence.
Open as a pure conduit of Source: Let the Creation flow though you, express as your Creator self, exercise this Creator muscle. All of our power is in Zero Point, the Now.
Honor your unique experience and expression. We are the answer to Source’s question of Let me know all that I AM, Let me explore all that I AM. What if I forgot myself in the density of duality and explored returning to Oneness, and celebrated my return with a brand new creation of Self?
Would you do it if no one liked, shared or donated to your creation? Would you do it anyway? That is where you find your true expression of the Creator Self. Think like an artist; Create to honor yourself as Creator.
Step forward as Wayshower, walk ahead and demonstrate it is safe to move forward into the unknown. Face your fears about trusting the collective, sharing your heart, abundance, personal value, or competition issues. Wayshow by being authentic; it encourages others to open up.
Be a Responsible Creator
This new freedom means we need to create responsibly, unlike the Old Paradigm leadership. We cannot replicate any of those old dynamics; they do not serve and are being removed. We have the new keys to the kingdom and this Now Renaissance is literally creating new timelines for everyone to experience higher truths.
Speak to the Highest common denominator: The multidimensional conversation. Much current content is uninteresting to those further down the path. Experiment with higher creations which stimulate the heart, the higher consciousness. Open for expansive conversations and experiences, rather than reexamining the past, or speculating on the future.
Manage your Self as a conduit for the Shift. Be wise about the effect of co-creation; it is getting stronger. Stay on point with your intention and your service. The veils are thin, which means your heart will need to be clear. We see you.
The awakened are being flooded with ideas as well as energies. Much of the collective turns to the online world for how they feel, what to focus on, etc. Avoid using old paradigm dynamics to attract attention.
Triggering fears or drama is not progress, it is mimicking the old system of dis-empowerment. Acceleration is upon us and we require solutions, not re-creating what has already been done.
There is a lot going on right now and not every impulse needs to be shared. What will serve forward momentum?
Serve as One Heart, One Unified Creation, just like Source.
Multidimensional awareness is a popular conversation. As we unify we make it a tangible experience for all.
There is a new tribe born at the Conscious Media Festival. Conscious Media is a conduit for pure expression in a rapidly emerging New Paradigm.
Trust Source, trust yourself, trust each other as one force of Source, dedicated to service. Share as one Tribe. We need to dispel scarcity and competition.
The glass is, and always has been, full.
Love and reach out to each other. Practice with this Tribe; connect, face your fears of expression. We’ve got your back!
Remember that the last piece of this grand puzzle is placed together. That’s the only way it can be completed, through Unity.
Gratitude and blessings to all of us during this brilliant phase of our Ascension.
In Love, Light and Service,
“Conscious Media Festival Notes: Pure Creativity and the Creator State of Consciousness,” by Sandra Walter, March 9, 2017, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: March 9, 2017