Finally, from our reading through Linda Dillon on Feb. 17, I asked Archangel Michael to comment on what going into the stillness meant and resulted in. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: What is the wider significance of going into the stillness and the silence? Now I’m not saying I don’t have thoughts on that but I really would like to hear your thoughts.
Archangel Michael: Well, is it a process of union. It is a process of connection and disconnection. It is a process of surrender.
What occurs when you come into the stillness is that you are disconnecting in many ways. We are not severing the cord but you are most certainly disconnecting from what you think of as your current self, and we do not just mean your egoic self.
We mean yourself as you define yourself every day – body, mental capacity, work, play, etc. You are letting that flow away.
Then you are in the stillness, the soup of all. And that cannot really be accomplished or achieved if you are distracted by yourself. So what you are bringing into the silence – even though you don’t fully realize it, you aren’t fully cognizant – is that you are bringing your true self, your authentic self, your natural self into this place but that is not a conscious process.
In that soup, in that presence of everything, you float for a while because you become part of the soup and part of the observer of the soup so it is where you are the participant/observer but not a very active participant. It is because your essence is there.
Now, it is always there but this is why you bring yourself to come to know this in the silence and in that ability to be your wholeness, the truth of who you are, you then connect and reconnect with Mother/Father One and All.
So it is a disconnect – what you may think of as a stillness – a reconnect that fills you, again, not conscious. It is just a state of beingness because you cannot be the soup and not receive and be nourished by that soup.
And that is what you bring back. And it may feel like bliss, because it is. It may feel like love, because it is. And what comes back with you is this sense of deep peace, of ultimate connection and knowing. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.)