In this next-to-final excerpt from our Feb. 17, 2017 reading, Archangel Michael helps me understand some of the finer points of free will and control.
We follow that up with a discussion of how I can create Big Steve (my Hgher Self, 7th-Dimensional Christ Consciousness) run my show when Little Steve feels the task is beyond him.
Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: Free will and control. I don’t know how to approach the question of free will and control. I hear people saying, “I’m going to change the way my boyfriend eats” and I say, “Well, you know you really can’t control people.” And they say, “I’m helping him.” Can you talk about that a bit because I am stumped?
Archangel Michael: It is motivation, is it not?
There is a fine distinction, and that is what you are struggling with, between really wanting to control and calling it help. Now we struggle with this! Not really but we will use this example.
It would be very inviting at times for us to say, “We are going to help you with what you eat.” And this is a very simple example, is it not?
“We are going to help you and therefore you will never go out and order a cheeseburger and fries again.” Because the truth is, our help is controlling you. We are interfering. We are overriding your free will.
What a statement like this is about; “I am only helping; I am going to change somebody’s choices” because that is what it is. You are seeking to override another person’s choices.
When we have talked about stewardship, and this may seem like eating is a very simple thing but it is not. When we have talked about stewardship, we have talked about leading by example, role modelling, mentoring, and showing the way.
So, using the example of eating, if you eat healthy, only green (and there is a long list of what has been defined as healthy) and you are vibrant and alive, then those around you observe and say, “I would like that as well” and they may follow your pattern.
But it is done out of love. It is not done out of a desire to change somebody so that they will conform to your ideation of what is right and wrong.
Steve: I think people can be put off if there is even a hint of pushing somebody in a certain direction.
AAM: That is absolutely correct because the paradigm of control is one of the essential paradigms that is being broken upon your planet and so any effort on the part of any being to try and control a person is going to meet with resistance.
Think of, as a child, when you wanted to read the book for another half-hour or watch a TV program and your parents said, “But you must be asleep and in bed by 9 o’clock.” What happened? You would fight it tooth and nail.
It is the same. As soon as you try and say, “You must” “Oh, I want to help you so don’t eat that, eat this.” It does not work. It has to be one’s own choice and the volition of the individual.
So for example, often we have said to you, “The road to understanding, to love, to expansion – we beg you to meditate every day. Prayer, meditation, ritual.” We do not say “you must”
Steve: Last question, Lord. Can you advise me on how to facilitate or allow my higher self to run the show – Big Steve instead of Little Steve?
AAM: Allow Big Steve (and let us preface this by saying we love both Steves.) We love all the Steves. So what we want you to do is to follow our example please. So it is a request not a control!
Let Big Steve love Little Steve. When you are attending to, what you have thought of as Little Steve, when you are meeting what remains of his insecurity or his security needs or his feelings of lack, when he is attended to, he is so overjoyed to let Big Steve be in charge.
It is not that he (Little Steve) really wants to run the show but so often, in terms of survival, he has felt that he has to. So the more that Big Steve reassures, loves, tends to, until what happens, sweet one, is that Little Steve will simply step into Big Steve and that unification will be complete. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.)