In this excerpt from our Feb. 17, 2017 reading through Linda Dillon, Archangel Michael looks at the spiritual significance of a knee injury I experienced around the third week of January.
What I got from what he said was that I’m not successfully bearing the weight of my responsibilities. I need his help.
I post the exchange for those interested in the spiritual backgrounds of our ailments. It’s also a textbook case on how our vasanas or unresolved issues impact our bodies.
Tomorrow I post a second excerpt from the same reading in which he discusses another lightworker’s request for an explanation of why a heart attack he experienced happened. Again he says that the other lightworker was doing the same as I – only parking unresolved or postponed issues in his heart instead of his knees.
This first excerpt also illustrates the loving attention an archangel gives his servant, right down to advising him on medical therapies.
Ordinarily I don’t post on health matters because I have no expertise in the area. I’ll probably let this be the only time.
Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Archangel Michael: You in many ways, my friend – we will jump ahead (1) – have been brought to your knees and the sensation that you have felt is that, “I can’t go much further! So I am on my knees and praying for relief.” (2)
But you have taken human action and divine action to bring you upright, where you belong. And we are not saying that kneeling down to pray or express love or adoration is a bad thing. It is not. It is a beautiful thing.
But it is certainly not where we want you to live and we certainly do not want you on your knees because you feel that you simply can’t take one more step. That has been the issue with your leg, your knees, your foot… It is time to bring this to a conclusion.
I do not say this in any way of criticism or judgment. I say it, my brother, reaching out my hand and saying, “Let me help you up!” …
Steve Beckow: Returning to my knee, is it arthritis?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Can we heal arthritis?
AAM: Yes, it is a very sticky subject, as this channel would very readily tell you. But think of it in this way: It is calcification, (3) and it is not merely the calcification of emotions or ideas or even belief systems.
What happens in this case is what you have done is you have used your knees (and it is quite a symbolic joint is it not?) as a parking lot for the chaos you feel you cannot control – and you can’t by the way.
So you have taken what is disturbing in the external environment, and sometimes occasionally internal environment, and you have parked it there.
You have said, “Well, I can’t deal with this. I can’t have a huge impact on this so I am taking this energy. It’s bugging me. It’s bothering me but I do not feel empowered enough to deal with it so I am taking it because I want to relieve the energy, either within me or collectively, and I’m putting it in my knees and I will tend to it later when things shift.” Then what is happening of course is it is calcifying because it isn’t moving.
So one of the things we would like you to do, first when you are sitting and just relaxing, put your hands on your knees, just relaxing that way. Because what you are doing is loving your knees. You are loving these little areas that have acted as your storage bin for years.
What is happening with the love (and of course I’m helping you) is that you are literally reactivating the movement of the energy and breaking down the calcification. Think of it as dissolving the chalk which has come to settle in your knees.
The Violet flame would be extraordinarily useful as well, particularly the Violet flame not only in your knees but at the arch of the foot so that it is running up the entire leg and the entire body. Of course I am preferential to the blue flame as well.
Steve: Of course and so am I. Would prolotherapy help?
AAM: It will absolutely dissolve what is there.
Steve: Oh very good. And chiropractic seems to have helped.
AAM: Yes, it is loosening things up again, in the physical realm, so that the energy can start to move.
Steve: What about acupuncture?
AAM: Acupuncture would help as well because it is all about clearing the pathways, the meridians, and getting that energy moving.
Later again…
Steve: Was I successful in pushing the time of family violence away a second time (4) on February 3 as a result of moving in here, which is associated with a time before the violence in my family started. It’s very healing, it seems.
AAM: Yes, yes, that is exactly what you have done. But the other thing that you have done, you are pushing away – that is one of your causes of calcification. You understand that do you not?
Steve: No, you haven’t finished your sentence. I don’t know what I’m pushing away.
AAM: Family violence.
Steve: So that is part of my calcification, I got it.
AAM: But what you are also doing, and even though you feel that you are a family of one, you are nurturing the family. You are nurturing your inner child. You are treating yourself the way you always wanted to be treated and that is healing the remnants of what you think of as family violence, as well. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.)
(Concluded tomorrow in Part 2.)
(1) He’s making his introductory remarks, but he knows that I have it on my question paper to ask him about my knee so he’s “jumping ahead.” Again, it’s evidential: This action demonstrates to skeptics that he knows what’s in my mind.
(2) Just everything – the stress of the move, the exertion of it, being scammed, the financial burden – nearly exhausted me (hence the exhaustion I feel?). On and on it went. It’s over now and I’m settled in.
However, as a result, my knee gave way. I was no longer able to bear my own weight (in spiritual terms: the weight of my responsibilities).
This highly significant incident demonstrates the impact the emotional/mental/spiritual bodies can have on the physical body. And it shows the very short cycle of manifestation these days; not gradual at all. More like immediate, as the duration of these things go.
(3) Remember I said years ago that if we don’t handle our vasanas (unresolved issues), it leads to calcification, coralization, petrification, fossilization? Well, have I not provided a textbook case of it myself? Does this not close the book on that hypothesis? QED.
Parking your unresolved issues in a region of your body, in my case, the knees, one of which is no longer weight-bearing: If that is not a Rosetta Stone for the physical body mirroring what’s happening in the deeper layers of consciousness, I don’t know what would be.
Does my knee situation not show that unresolved issues, like magma, leak out wherever they can find release – usually whatever is our weakest point, but here AAM says, no, wherever we choose to store it. Just like magma in an inner chamber, these unresolved issues cause inflammation in that area.
In the same reading, he passed on a message to a man who had had a heart attack, that he was doing the same thing as me, but parking it in his heart.
Modern medicine doesn’t seek the advice of archangels so co-creative explorations like this aren’t possible for them. Too bad. Not because the archangels aren’t willing or eager, I’m sure. Where are the doctors willing to listen?
(4) The first time was recorded in “System Restore.” May 6, 2016 at