(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
When all of us are in bliss, which is the end result of the Ascension process anyways, the world will just work.
Do you realize that I couldn’t say this to any other audience than lightworkers right now?
As I write this, I realize it.
At some point in the Ascension process – certainly by its culmination in Sahaja Samadhi, a few subplanes into the Fifth Dimension – everyone will be permanently in bliss. This state Hindus call moksha or liberation. It is eternal bliss.
We can have tastes of bliss beforehand, as happened to me, and, when we do, we can readily see that a person in bliss is not capable of machinating or mounting an offensive or doing very much of anything other than celebrating life and enjoying how indescribably heightened your senses are and how they screen out anything base and how bliss never leaves you in want of anything else than itself.
How could a world composed of such people not work?
Before hearing Werner’s change of metaphor, I thought of the world as definitely broken and probably not fixable. And there’s was nothing one could do so why worry about it?
I was deeply cynical. But Werner’s phrase lit a lamp for me that burns brightly to this day.
Not only that. But I recommend that the whole world align on having a world that works for everyone. By steps we’ll get there and some will get there through their own Ascension.
For sure we’ll end up in bliss. All roads lead to it.
Aligning on a world that works for everyone is aligning with Oneness, love, and compassion. The attitude itself works, as we discover more and more every day.
I’d like to propose a change of metaphor myself, in what lightworkers have been doing, one that doesn’t cancel the others out, but simply points to a possible change of phase. Instead of saying we’re cleansing, I’d like to propose that perhaps we’re past that phase and we’re now “re-orchestrating” our lives.
Each of us, overseen by our Higher Selves (Seventh-Dimensional Christ Consciousness), has cleansed and now we’re learning what someone once called “the right use of will,” the right use of mind, the right use of heart. The orchestra is assembled and ready but we’ve never played together and we’ve never played this score. We’re raw recruits but clean and willing.
We know the direction and the end goal and getting there is what makes everything along the way bearable.
The end goal is a world that works for everyone and the proof of membership in that world lies in experiencing the bliss. This cannot be faked. I’m not experiencing bliss now. Perhaps a little here and there. But I could not fake it. And you would not buy it.
Not everyone in the world needs to be in bliss for the world to work for me. If I alone am in bliss, I exist in the context of a world that works for everyone. Bliss and that world go hand in hand.
If everyone were in bliss, the world would work for everyone. I know it from experience.
You can labor at the wheel of recreating society until the world works or you can jump into the lake of bliss and watch the context of the world alter magically.
Let me leave Archangel Michael with the last word on the importance of taking time for the bliss.
Archangel Michael: When you are in the bliss what happens is – and it is a key element, my brother – the stressors, as you well know, and the new behaviours simply flow.
Steve: Yes, I do.
Dilemmas dissolve becoming not problems but simply situations. Stress melts away in bliss.
AAM: Now you have had a lot of physical-practicality things that have eliminated you from having the time and the spaciousness, the feeling that you can take that time to really be in the bliss but it is absolutely necessary, my brother. So make the time. (1)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2017.)