Yesterday, I was discussing the Mother’s apparent gift of the image of the Jack of Hearts in my meditative conversation with her recently.
But there was more to the image. The Jack of Hearts appeared on top but a Ten of Spades appeared below it.
The Ten of any suit is the highest numerical card. I took that to be a metaphor for the Mother’s abundance, in which case the Jack of Hearts became the steward of the Mother’s bounty.
All lightworkers, in my opinion, who’ve volunteered to become financial wayshowers by taking up the Reval are Jacks and Janes of Hearts over the Ten of any suit. All of us are the Mother’s stewards.
But, for me, the image presented by the combination of the two – the Jack of Hearts and the Ten of Spades – captured the essence of the financial work that I promised to do and offered me a malleable role which I could play from and into, at whatever level I chose. It captured the whole of it, the gestalt.
Now we come to the level at which the ascended masters that we already are might consider playing at.
I know the level but I have trouble saying it, because it sounds so high-flown and it’s far-higher than I play at, certainly. (I am not trying to pretend I’m more balanced than I am.)
The best word I can find to describe the way of the steward and the standard for us to reach for, as I see it, is “noble.” I posted an excerpt from Zen Lessons: The Art of Leadership last week which summed this person up very succinctly, I thought. Here is Master Yuantong’s description of a noble man:
“This man is true to the middle way, not biased or dependent. Whether active or at rest, he is noble and dignified. Furthermore, in his study of the Way [the Tao] his actions are correct, and his words are simple yet logically complete. Whenever people have endowments like this, seldom do they fail to become vessels of enlightenment.” (1)
All the ascended masters share the quality of nobility of character, as far as I’m aware. Natural nobility.
All liberated sages (like Ramana Maharshi) display this same natural nobility. I suspect that Aung Saun Suu Kyi was enlightened in another lifetime. Like Gandhi, who was also enlightened in another lifetime (as St. Francis), she displays that same natural nobility of character and bearing that distinguish the ascended master (incarnate).
We recognize natural nobility when we see it. We seem to have an inner radar that picks it up and we respect it, once we determine its genuineness. Look how many revere Suu Kyi and wouldn’t be able to explain why. We’re beguiled by the nobility of the natural state (sahaja, ascension).
But suggesting that this be the bar for us to aim for as financial stewards and actually reaching it are two very different matters.
I personally consider myself so far from satisfying that standard of behavior that I nearly fall asleep just thinking about what it means. Falling asleep like that in the face of an idea is a marked sign of resistance to the truth. In the growth movement, if someone started to fall asleep, we’d say we were getting close to the truth.
Once the truth was seen, the person would usually wake up instantly. No more fatigue. Just like that.
I’m up to thinking about it and getting grouchy if pushed too far too fast. I feel like I’ve been climbing so many mountains lately, I feel a bit tired.
But I do acknowledge that I regard it as a truth: That the standard of behavior for us to aim for as lightworkers and stewards of the Mother’s abundance is nobility of person, nobility of character, and nobility of intention.
(1) “A Vessel of Enlightenment” in Thomas Cleary, Trans., Zen Lessons. The Art of Leadership. Boston: Shmaballa, 1989, 3.